1,000 Years Image of 70AD and the Bar Kokhba Revolt
1,000 Years Image of 70AD and the Bar Kokhba Revolt According to Greek writers such as Plato, Virgil and the Orphics, 1,000 years or more can represent a reincarnation or a change/transition in the non-living realm. Therefore, it makes sense that Gentile converts would be familiar with this concept of coming to life through cultural exposure. The middle of chart represents an indeterminate amount of time because it is the living realm. During this time, only 62 years has only passed by (70AD-132AD). The 1,000 years has no influence on the living realm. I believe Gog and Magog or Gog of Magog represent Simon Bar Kokhba and his armies. They attempted to resurrect the Old Covenant Temple system and persecute the Christians living in Jerusalem at that time. Bar Kokhba and the Zealots believed that they could destroy the Church one last time with a larger army. Hence, the symbolic name of Gog of Magog. This event is supposed to mirror/invert Haman’s ancient world-wide assault in the Book...