From Grave to Glory (G2G)-A Preterist Postmillennial Commentary-Revelation 12-22

Revelation 12 V1-2: We see the same imagery of Joseph’s dream here in Genesis 37:9-11. Israel (representing Jerusalem as well in Matthew 2:18) is described as the Daughter of Zion-a dying mother; specifically, Rachel who died tragically during pregnancy. See Isaiah 50:1, 54:1-6, 66:7; Jeremiah 4:31; Micah 4:9-10; Galatians 4:27; Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:18. Although Jerusalem will be destroyed, the remnant will represent a glimmer of hope similar to Benjamin and Christ's respective births. The woman clothed with the sun represents the exalted status of Israel among all nations. However, the moon is under her feet, which represents the waning status of the Old Covenant. The moon reflects light from the sun. The twelve stars represent the twelve tribes of Israel. The dying Daughter of Zion was about to give birth to Christ and the Church. V3: The Dragon’s seven heads have crowns at this time, which means the Roman Empire was in control. This represents Satan’s authority over the Rom...