Bar Kochba Revolt Chart-Ezekiel 37-48 and Revelation 20 Parallel

Bar Kochba Revolt Chart-Ezekiel 37-48 and Revelation 20 Parallel If we consider a Bar Kochba Revolt fulfilment for the latter parts of Revelation 20, we can see how it parallels/inverts the imagery of the Book of Esther. Below, are some of the issues why a 30AD-70 AD and 26-66AD just doesn't work with the Greek word Phylake. Virgil, Plato, and the Orphics viewed the 1,000 years as a transition of the eternal state. Therefore, it makes sense that we don't see the 1,000 years applied to the living realm. Lastly, Revelation calls Jerusalem the "Great City", not the "Beloved City" until the end of the letter. This wouldn't make sense if we took a look at the gospels. They surely didn't live up to their name, beloved.