
Showing posts from October, 2024

Misconceptions of the Armor of God

 There has been many misunderstandings about the Armor of God especially in Sunday Schools. Many think that it is first introduced in Ephesians 6 as a Roman Soldier. However, I believe Paul alludes to various passages in the Book of Isaiah for its proper context. Christians are called to be like Phineas-the warrior priest in the Book of Numbers. See below. The Belt of Truth (Priestly Sash/Girdle)-equipping and disciplining the body for service. Secured and fastened to service. The Breast of Righteousness (The Ephod)-Interceding for others and carrying the burdens on their shoulders. Gospel of Peace (The Feet) - Making pathways to peace and victory towards/for the nations, putting enemies underfoot, illuminating places/declaring them as holy ground because you are a Temple of God. The Shield of Faith (Golden Censer)-The smoke represents the Glory of God shielding the High Priest. The Censer has a sweet fragrance/aroma. The Helmet of Salvation (Turban)-Holy to the Lord representative wit

“Holy and Righteous” Are Not Exclusive Terms for Jesus

                         “ Holy and Righteous” Are Not Exclusive Terms for Jesus The terms “ Holy and Righteous” are not exclusive terms for Jesus. The Bible never says that Jesus was born perfect.   It says Jesus was made perfect through suffering in sanctification.   Biblical Perfection is defined by one’s lifestyle. Every human being sins, but one’s life must be characterized by following God or following their own desires. The following people are considered perfect in the Bible, yet they have sinned in some shape or form: Noah, Abraham, Noah, King Hezekiah, and King Asa. Below, I will demonstrate how the words “ Holy and Righteous” are used for common everyday faithful Jews and not the modern definition of perfection (flawless). As a result, this will demonstrate that Jesus was just a faithful Jewish man (not God as the second person of the Trinity). He didn’t have some kind of supernatural perfectionism before the Cross.   Luke 1:35 English Standard Version 35 And the angel ans

Does 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 Teach Partial Cessationism?

    Does 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 teach partial cessationism? In 1 Corinthians 13:8 -13, we see prophecies, tongues, and knowledge passing away at the perfect. The perfect is the fulfillment of 70AD. This can be seen in the Greek word Teleioo, which means to end a process in completion. So why are these three particular spiritual gifts  named? What about the other gifts? My take is that these three spiritual gifts are the ones that are causing a commotion in the Corinthian church resulting in people splitting into factions (1 Corinthians 3:1-23, 12:4-31). Paul is not teaching a partial cessationism.  In his letter, Paul is basically saying don't get so preoccupied with these particular spiritual gifts. Eventually, they will be gone, but God's agape love will last forever within our church community. Therefore, make God's New Covenant Love your focus over these temporary gifts of the Old Covenant . 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 English Standard Version 8 Love never ends. As for p