From Grave to Glory (G2G)- A Preterist Postmillennial Commentary-Revelation 1-11

Revelation 1 Setting: 65-66AD/during the reign of Emperor Nero. V1-3: God the Father uses His Son, Jesus to reveal the last days of the Old Covenant. Jesus' angel (the Principle of agency) shares the Father's message to John. V4: This letter is to the seven churches in Asia Minor. Not the entire modern world. The seven spirits can be the seven fold nature of the Holy Spirit’s presence at all seven churches in Asia Minor (See Revelation 5:6, Zechariah 4:1-6, Isaiah 11:2-3). Alternatively, it can just be seven messenger spirits. V5: Jesus' titles are listed in order to express his supremacy over His New Covenant Creation and love for his Elect. V6: The Acknowledgement of Christ’s blessing over his Elect. V7: Imagery from Daniel 7:13-14 and Zechariah 11:12-13 is used in order to demonstrate Christ's exalted power-given by God the Father. Jesus is the ruler of Heaven and Earth. He pronounces judgment and execution on the Unfaithful Jews. There are no T...