From Grave to Glory (G2G)- A Preterist Postmillennial Commentary-Revelation 1-11

Revelation 1

Setting: 65-66AD/during the reign of Emperor Nero.

V1-3: God the Father uses His Son, Jesus to reveal the last days of the Old Covenant. Jesus' angel (the Principle of agency)  shares the Father's message to John.  

V4: This letter is to the seven churches in Asia Minor. Not the entire modern world. The seven spirits can be the seven fold nature of the Holy Spirit’s presence at all seven churches in Asia Minor (See Revelation 5:6, Zechariah 4:1-6, Isaiah 11:2-3). Alternatively, it can just be seven messenger spirits.

V5: Jesus' titles are listed in order to express his supremacy over His New Covenant Creation and love for his Elect.

V6: The Acknowledgement of Christ’s blessing over his Elect.

V7: Imagery from Daniel 7:13-14 and Zechariah 11:12-13 is used in order to demonstrate Christ's exalted power-given by God the Father. Jesus is the ruler of Heaven and Earth. He pronounces judgment and execution on the Unfaithful Jews. There are no Tribes of the World. Earth can be translated as Ge-Local Land. Therefore, the earth represents the 1st Century Ancient World-Jerusalem and its neighboring cities.

V8: God the Father is the Almighty-The Alpha and Omega.


V9: Revelation 1:9 9 I, John, your brother and partner in the tribulation and the kingdom and the patient endurance that are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos on account of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus

Matthew 24:29 29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

Note: This Tribulation (Matthew 24:9-14) is prior to 66AD. It is describing the persecution of the saints.

Matthew 24:9- 9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. 

Because of the fire in Rome, Emperor Nero murdered Peter, Paul, and other Christians  (circa 64AD-69AD). It is alleged that Nero burned the cities himself in order to blame the Christians. The abomination of desolation (also called the despised act that provoked desolation) in Matthew 24:15 represented idolatrous Jewish worship, which resulted in God withdrawing his presence from Jerusalem (Ichabod). Similar themes can be found in Ezekiel 8-10.  Instead of adding pagan gods in the Temple sanctuary, the Jews treated the Old Covenant Law/Temple as an idol itself. This got so severe that the Jews even killed prophets in the Temple area (Matthew 23:32-36; Revelation 6:9-11). When the Elect started to witness heightened persecution, they were commanded to flee from Jerusalem. They were imitating God’s Ichabod. The Elect are the 144,000 Diaspora (Jewish and Israelite Christians-includes Samaritans) who left during the first Trumpet of Revelation (James 1:1; 1 Peter 1:1).  The 7 Churches are Gentile. The winds are the spirits of judgment/four horsemen. It is to describe the inescapability of the judgment-the Jews are cornered on all 4 parts of the land.

 The phrase “from one end of heaven to the other” is a figurative term for “all over.” It is used in the same way in Deuteronomy 4:32, 30:3-5; Nehemiah 1:9; Matthew 24:31.


V10-11: This letter is sent to the 1st Century Church

V12-15: Christ expresses the image of His Father- who is the Ancient of Days. Christ has divine wisdom, purity, and judgment. In addition, He is sacrificial and powerful. The bronze is describing Christ as a walking altar. Interestingly, He is dressed as a High Priest in the Holy Place. We know this is the Holy Place because of the Seven Golden Lampstands. Jesus is making sure that the light of the seven churches stay lit.

V16: Judgment from His Word and Presence.

V17: Jesus expresses his given authority as the Alpha and Omega of the New Covenant Creation. His authority is complete-with nothing lacking.

V18: Christ’s death will make Heaven accessible to the dead saints of the Old Covenant.

V19: The urgency to write out this message.

V20: The explanation of the 7 Stars and 7 Lampstands as angels (messengers/ministers) and churches.

Revelation 2

V1: Christ acknowledges His authority over the churches. The angels are human messengers/ministers. It's possible that John sent a particular messengers/ministers to each church. The 1st century church consisted of a plurality of elders, bishops, deacons, and overseers. See Philippians 1:1. The one pastor model is not a biblical model. It is foreign to the scriptures. 

V2-3: Christ praises this Church for its strong discernment and endurance. Sorcery was a prevalent teaching in the 1st Century (See Acts 8:9-24, Acts 13:8, Acts 19:19).

V4: Because lawlessness was abounding, the saints were growing discouraged day by day. See Matthew 24:12.

V5: There is an invitation to repent and make Christ first again. Otherwise, they will lose His presence. The latter would indicate that they were never believers to begin with. Since there was an overlap between the both covenants, the saints had to be obedient-it confirmed their salvation. Similarly, this is why the Epistle of James focuses so much on faith and works.

V6: It is believed that this is the same Nicholas from Acts 6:5. He abandons the Truth.

V7: Gift #1 uses figurative language to describe the accessibility of God’s presence in Heaven. The Tree of Life is the Holy of Holies of Eden-The Cross (See Ephesians 4:8, Isaiah 40:10, 59:18, 62:11, Revelation 22:12). The Elect tastes the fruit of Christ’s work.

V8: Christ introduces himself as the "First Born of the Dead." He was the first man to have a glorified body in Heaven (See Revelation 1:5; Colossians 1:15).

V9: This Church is a victim of theft, vandalism, and slander by the Apostate Jews. These Jews most likely were Zealots. 

V10-11: Christ prepares the church for a 10 day persecution. In Roman-Greco history, a person was imprisoned for 10 days before they were used for gladiator battles (against animals or fellow humans). See 1 Corinthians 4:9; 2 Corinthians 11:23Gift#2 is the Crown of Life given to the Martyrs. See James 1:12. The devil can be the supernatural entity, The Satan, one of the 10 Zealot Governors, or both can be involved.

V12: Christ brings his Father's message of judgment (See Revelation 1:1, 16).

V13: There is an acknowledgment of holding fast while being persecuted by the Apostate Jews. The Jews killed the Elder, Antipas in front of his congregation. Alternatively, it is possible that Antipas is a composite symbol for the Martyrs. Likewise, Jezebel can be a composite symbol for the Whore of Babylon's teachings in Revelation 2. His name means to be “against all.” Satan's throne can be a figurative description of the the supernatural hold Satan has over the people, or  it can be one of the 10 Zealot Governors' war fortress/refuge, or both can be involved in this passage. 

V14-15: The Elder Nicholas brought false teaching into this congregation. This consisted of idol worship with sex and food.

V16: A call to repent or face judgment.

V17: An invitation to hear, the conqueror receives Gift #3 and #4: Hidden manna from Heaven and a white stone with an unknown new name. John 4:34. The white stone represents atonement with a new name-the Lord’s ownership of the New Covenant believer.

V18: Christ expresses the image of His Father-The Ancient of Days (See Daniel 1:14-15; Revelation 1:14).

V19: Christ acknowledges the faith, service, and endurance of the Thyatira Church.

V20: Their failure consisted of compromising with a female elder who introduced idol worship to the congregation.

V21: The female elder refused to repent. She didn’t see her actions as sinful.

V22-23: Consequences for failed repentance: Judgment on female elder and her followers.

V24-25: A call to persevere and be faithful.

V26-27: Gift #5 is an invitation to co-reign with Christ in Heaven (See Psalm 2:7-9).

V28-29: Gift #6 is Christ offering himself as a gift to the Martyrs (2 Peter 1:19). He is the light of the world and will put His light in us. More specifically, He is the light of Heaven to all the dead saints who were stuck in the darkness-Sheol/Hades. The morning star is the full expression of the Holy Spirit within the saint. It is our glorified state. There is an invitation to hear this message and conquer.


Revelation 3

V1: Christ introduces himself as the possessor of the 7-Fold Spirit or 7 messengers. It is present upon the 7 elders (See Revelation 1:4). These churches are accused of external service. They are spiritually bankrupt inside.

V2-3: A call to repentance before judgment comes.

V4-5: An acknowledgement to the Faithful and Gift #7. This gift consisted of being clothed in Christ’s righteousness (the wedding garments) and never being blotted out of the Book of Life.

V6: An invitation to hear Christ’s message.

V7: Christ is the possessor of the Key of David (Death and Hades-See Revelation 1:18, Isaiah 22:22).

V8: Christ acknowledges The Church of Philadelphia’s power and faithfulness.

V9: A promise that the Jewish Zealots will submit to the church during the New Covenant Age. Their attacks on the church will lead to nothing.

V10: Christ will protect his children from being deceived. They will not experience judgment during the Great Apostasy. This doesn't mean they will not be persecuted or killed.

V11-12: A call to stand firm during the Great Apostasy. Gift #8 consists of becoming a pillar in the Heavenly Temple of God. The victor will receive a new name in the New Jerusalem.

V13: The invitation to hear and conquer.

V14: Christ identifies as the Faithful Witness (see Revelation 1:5)

V15-18: Christ accuses the Church of Laodicea as being lukewarm and spiritually bankrupt. As a solution, Christ offers sanctification, righteousness, and restored spiritual vision/sight (similar to Paul the Apostle).

V19: Christ disciplines all his children.

V20: Invitation to fellowship with Christ.

V21: Gift #9 is to sit on Christ’s throne.

V22: Invitation to hear and conquer.



Revelation 4

V1: Notice the parallel of the door in Revelation 3:8. God reveals the future to the Apostle John in Heaven. John is located either in the Holy Place and looking into the Holy of Holies of Heaven or he is located in some in-between doorway stated in 1 Kings 6:31-35 and Ezekiel 41:23.   Christ is the possessor of the Key of David (Death and Hades-See Revelation 1:18, Isaiah 22:22).  Heaven was not accessible to mankind. Only God can OPEN the door to Heaven and reveal its secrets. God gives The Satan access to this "key," so he can open up the Abyss. See Revelation 9:1-6, 12:9-17, 20:1-2.

V2-3: John sees God’s throne. It resembles the rainbow covenant (covenant from Noah’s ark), Joseph’s coat of many colors (high status/privilege), and/or the jewels of the High Priest (Holiness and Covenantal Loyalty).

V4-5: There are many theories about the 24 elders. Some speculate that it is the 12 sons of Jacob and the 12 apostles serving as judges (Matthew 12:28, Luke 22:30). Others suggest it is a symbolic representation of the Church. For me, I believe that the 24 elders are the Zadok Priesthood who are mentioned in Ezekiel 40-48. They are revealed as angelic beings in Revelation, who represent the Heavenly reflection of the Old Covenant Priesthood/Temple order (Hebrews 8:5, 9:23; 10:1; Exodus 25:9, 40, 26:30;1 Chronicles 24:3-19,25:6-31, 26:7-19, 28:19; Ezekiel 43:10; Colossians 2:17). They serve as intermediaries (wearing linen garments) for Christ during the Day of Atonement Ceremony, which we see in Ezekiel 40-48. Notice these 24 elders ALONG with the Seraphim are singing about the new priesthood/New Covenant in 3rd person (Isaiah 6:2)Because of Apostate Jerusalem's persecution of the faithful leaders and priests, they went into hiding, leaving a spiritual famine in Jerusalem until 70AD. But now, God is creating a new political system with Christ as King-Priest and a Jewish/Gentile Priesthood. See Isaiah 1:25-26, 30:20-NKJV; Jeremiah 3:15-16;23:4; Daniel 12:3; Psalm 74:9; Isaiah 43:27; Amos 8:11-12.

 The Seraphim are singing about “them”-the martyred saints. Not “us”-2nd person-24 elders and Cherubim. Therefore, the 24 elders cannot be any type of human being that has received salvation from Christ.

 As we know, angels do not wear crowns. However, the crowns represent high status/authority. God the Father is the true ruler of Heaven and Earth. He has called the 24 Elders of the Heavenly Temple to cast their crowns in submission to His authority. This symbolism can be interpreted as the crowns being extended to the Martyred saints for their faithfulness. Also, they will be in a position of authority over the angels later on(1 Corinthians 6:3). Again, at this point, there are no people in Heaven except for the angelic host. All the righteous were spiritually resurrected in 70AD (Daniel 12:13; John 6:39-40, 11:24). They were moved from (Sheol/Hades) to Heaven. 

Furthermore, in Ezekiel 40-48, these angelic beings are under the name of the Zadok Priesthood (2 Samuel 8:17, 15:24-29). In contrast, the Levite angelic beings were under the Abiathar, who was the treacherous High Priest during Solomon's reign. Zadok remained faithful (1 Kings 2:26; 1 Kings 2:35). Therefore, Zadok is a symbol of  faithfulness while Abiathar is a symbol of betrayal. We see this later in Revelation 12 where we see The Satan's angels ( a symbol of Abiathar) being cast out of Heaven.

V6-8: The Sea of Glass represents the barrier between Heaven and Earth. When you see fire later in the sea of glass, it represents the coming judgment from Heaven on Apostate Jerusalem. This is similar to how the Red Sea was used as a form of judgment on the Egyptians during the Exodus-The sea was being held up by God. The four living creatures have one face with six wings (6+1=7; Isaiah 6:1-13; Ezekiel 1:4-14, 22-25, 10:1; Exodus 24:10; Revelation 15:2, 22:1; Psalm 80:1, 99:1; Isaiah 37:16). One has a face of a lion (Nobility/Courage-2 Sam. 17:10; Prov. 28:1), a face of an ox (Strength/Abundance-Prov. 14:4), a face of a man (Wisdom-Luke 2:52), and a face of an eagle (Protection/Swiftness-Deut 32:11; Job 39:27, 29).  The Seraphim tends to stay near to the Throne in order to worship. In this context, perhaps the number six represents six days  of work in a week indicating their worship is eternal while four represents universality. In contrast, Ezekiel 1’s four living creatures each have four different faces with four wings (4+4=8). They are considered Cherubim because their function appears to be focused on universal movement. God was showing His people that He was not bound by the Temple at that time. In addition, these creatures appear to be “carrying” God. This is similar to how the Levites carried the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:14; 1 Chronicles 15:15). Since they are land animals (Jerusalem is identified with their Land and the Gentiles with the Sea), they can represent God’s dominion over them. It is similar to a man sitting on a horse. The horse is “elevating” the man just like the four creatures are elevating God. The four creatures emulate the Cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies.

V10-11: The 24 Elders surrender their authority to God the Father.


Revelation 5

V1-5: God brings out the SEALED scroll from Daniel’s vision. This is the Old Testament Canon-Greek word: Biblion. Specifically, this event is the legal proceedings of the Covenant as well as the unfolding of Historical Redemption-The Big Scroll. See Daniel 12:4, Ezekiel 2-3, Zechariah 5:1-4, Isaiah 50:1, and Jeremiah 3:8 for the scroll imagery. This is the court scene from Jude 1:8-11. The Christ steps up as the Worthy One to open up the scroll-Hebrews 5:1-5. Notice that, Jesus (in the Holy Place in Revelation 1) enters His Father’s throne room -The Holy of Holies in Heaven, not as a High Priest from the Holy Place, not as a Lion, not as a strong tree rooted in the Tribe of David, but as a slain Lamb.

V6-8: Christ is the conquering Lamb who was slain. He opens up the Big Scroll to reveal the final events of the Old Covenant Age. Jesus shares the attributes of the Father. Seven horns indicate omnipotence, seven eyes represent omnipresence, and seven spirits represent the fullness of the Father's Holy Spirit. Alternatively, this can be seven spirits assisting the seven churches.


V9-10: The Song of the New Covenant Salvation is performed in anticipation.


V11-12: John sees the Heavenly Host (Cherubim/Seraphim, 24 elders, and angels-No humans are present in Heaven at this time) worship and praising Christ.


V13-14: God the Father and His Christ are praised and worshipped TOGETHER by the Heavenly Host. See 1 Chronicles 29:20-23. Interestingly, the Lamb is never worshipped alone.  The Heavenly Host only bows to the Lamb in respect, but he is never worshipped alone in Revelation.



Revelation 6

I believe that the timeline of Revelation recapitulates and progresses all of the events of 66AD-70AD simultaneously. It is not sequential. It tells God’s redemptive story from various angles. One scriptural example can be found in Joseph’s dreams (Genesis 37:5-11; 41:14-57). Another example is Daniel’s dream interpretation of the statue and the four beasts (Daniel 2:31-45; 7:1-12). 

V1: The seven seals of the Big Scroll are opened and released upon the enemies of Christ.

V2: The word wind can also be translated as spirit (Greek word- pneuma). One thing to notice is that Revelation has spiritual and literal mirror images. The four winds/spirits are God’s personal agents (used sometimes for judgment) against the enemies of Jerusalem (Zechariah 1:7-17, Zechariah 6:1-8, Isaiah 21:9, Jeremiah 49:36, Daniel 7:2-3, Ezekiel 14:13-21, Matthew 24:31, Revelation 7:1, and Leviticus 26:16). So now who are the human counterparts? Obviously, there has been a wide range of theories throughout history. Some are interesting, yet some are borderline absurd. According to Josephus’ The Wars of the Jews 3.4.2/Midrash Rabbah Lamentations 1.31; Hayim Nahman Bialik and Yehoshua Hana Ravnitzky eds., The Book of Legends Sefer Ha-Aggadah: Legends from the Talmud and Midrash, trans. William G. Braude (New York: Schocken Books, 1992), 191, Josephus states that there were Four Roman Client Kings who funded Vespasian/Titus with soldiers against the Jews. These Four Kings were Herod Agrippa II of Chalcis, Sohaemus of Emesa, Malichus II of Arabia, and Antiochus (known as Gaius) of Samosata. Each ruler/horseman wrecked havoc during this periodIt would be a moot point to say which color or characteristic fit which King/Legion. It would just be easy to see all of the colors and characteristics as the Roman auxiliaries as a whole.


·         Herod Agrippa II-

·         Sohaemus of Emesa -

·         Malichus II of Arabia-

·     Antiochus (Gaius)

The different colors and characteristics of each rider/horse are borrowed imagery from Zechariah 6:1-8.  Ironically, Apostate Jerusalem has now  identified itself spiritually as a pagan nation against the Spiritual/New Covenant Church. The red horses represent bloodshed,  the black horses represent economic scarcity, the white horses represent conquest/establishment of a new authority, and the dappled-spotted horses represent Death/Illness.  Also, notice in Zechariah 6, there are chariots of horses with no rider(s) while in Revelation 6 there is one rider and one horse noted. The reader has to compare both passages to get a fuller picture of the imagery. The conclusion we can draw from this text is that each Client King (rode on a horse) while simultaneously providing an army of horsemen/horses to Titus.  

Rome represented the Spirit of Babylon to a certain degree. They fought against God like Babel, but Jerusalem also has the Spirit of Babylon. Jerusalem is Babylon because she has been unfaithful to God (her husband) and took on the name of her illicit lover (Rome-Babylon). This is why Jerusalem is a whore- the Whore of Babylon.  

The rider on the white horse represents conquest and the establishment of a new authority. The rider uses a bow to strike from a distance (news of war comes from afar) and wears a crown (The army comes with power under the authority of Vespasian/Titus). The four horsemen are the symbolic inescapability of the 70 AD judgment. All four corners of the Land are cornered with conquest, war, pestilence/famine, and death. In reality, all these events are overlapping. For example, people were dying during the 2nd seal of war. They didn’t have to wait until the 4th seal. 

V3-4: The rider on the red horse represented the presence of Rome which will cause Jerusalem to become bloodthirsty and hostile. This included civil war between fellow Jews and Romans.

V5-6: The rider on the black horse represented Jerusalem's days will be divided, left wanting, and numbered. This is similar to the attack on Ancient Babylon in Daniel 5:30-31 and Isaiah 44:21. As Rome was slowly approaching Jerusalem, the Jews’ paranoia got the best of them. It caused them to use up all their resources. This resulted in significant price increases with items such as oil and wine.

V7-8: The rider on the pale horse is the same as the dappled-spotted horse in Zechariah 6. The pale horse represented physical/spiritual death, decay, and instability. Jerusalem will die a slow painful death through disease, famine, and being fed to beasts in the colosseum/roaming beasts in the ruins of the city. The death toll will be high.

V9-11: The fifth seal is John seeing how all the dead Christian Martyrs (later the Great Multitude in Heaven) are crying for justice because there are still in Sheol/Hades. They are waiting for the destruction of Apostate Jerusalem, which will result in their entry into Heaven. This is avenger of blood imagery. This was fulfilled in Revelation 19:11-21.  Notice it says that the Martyrs are UNDER the altar. Meaning they are already dead. They were not literally under the altar being killed. This was a way to describe the high death toll. They were being slaughtered like Old Covenant sacrifices by the Jews. Yes, it is true that the Greek word for souls can refer to living people. Not just dead people-See Acts 2:41, 7:41, 27:37, and 1 Peter 3:20. However, the living saints were not killed under the altar. See Matthew 23:35. 

I know this is a controversial view, but I will try to develop this further throughout this study. When Christ got crucified, he set the captives (Elect) free legally in status. All of the Elects’ sins were pardoned from the Wrath of the Father. The propitiation was fulfilled at the Cross, not the expiation. The expiation is the removal of sin, which is prophetically dealt with in 70AD. See Zechariah 3:9, 13:1-9, and Isaiah 4:4. Christ's sacrifice was near or on the Passover. It didn't bring a complete atonement-it was the beginning of a process. Only the Day of Atonement (DOA) can fulfill that requirement. Hence, the name. A Passover sacrifice was a type of peace offering, but at the same time it was a propitiation (removal of God's wrath) like how the Hebrews were "passed over" in Egypt. Just like how the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies, Christ had to enter into the Holy of Holies in Heaven to complete the ritual (Hebrews 9:8-12,24-28). He never entered one on Earth. Even if possible, the Ark of the Covenant/the Presence of God was missing in the 2nd Temple. See Ezra 3:12-13. The DOA had two goats, but was considered one sacrifice. So it isn't farfetch to say that Christ brought His blood into the Holy of Holies to purify the Heavenly Temple like how the High Priest in Leviticus 16 purified the Tabernacle/Temple (Hebrews 9:21-23). Two parts, one sacrifice. This would be the expiation (the removal of sin-atonement). See Hebrews 9:7 for the unintentional sins. When the 2nd Temple fell, it was destroyed near the DOA holiday in 70AD. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that salvation came in 70AD (end of covenantal death for the righteous), not in 30AD as traditionally taught by the Church. At the Cross, the First Fruits were "passed over" in Spiritual Egypt (Rev 11:8-1st Century Jerusalem who crucified Christ-Crooked Generation).

Furthermore, we know that people didn’t go straight to Heaven after Christ’s death. They still went to Sheol just like Daniel and Stephen (Daniel 12:13, Acts 7:60, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Also, consider that Jesus says it is finished THREE times indicating a process!!!  He says this before the Cross, during the Cross, and after the Cross (See John 17:4, 19:30, and Revelation 15:1, 16:17, 21:6)

I know this view is contra to what is taught in the Modern Church today. The Modern Church teaches that when Christ died, he emptied out the entire grave of Sheol. From that point on, anyone who died went straight to Heaven. This interpretation is incorrect for many reasons. If one maintains this view, it will lead to many inconsistencies later in Revelation. 

(SIDE NOTE:There is no paradise/Abraham's Bosom in Sheol. You cannot build a whole theology on a parable. It is not wise. All of the saints and wicked went to Sheol together when they died-Ecclesiastes 3:19-22, 6:6, 9:2-3; 1 Peter 3:18-19). 

One of the main problems is in Daniel 12:13. Daniel is supposed to be resurrected at the last dayNOT at Christ’s death on the Cross. In the 1st Century, it was a wide belief that people were going to be resurrected to Heaven on the last day of the Old Covenant Age (John 5:28, 6:39-44, and 11:24; Daniel 12:2 and 13). This is contrary to what is taught in Church today. In the Book of Acts, when Stephen was killed, it said he fell asleep. Compare Stephen’s death with 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 then you will see this idea more clearly. If Heaven was accessible at this time, what would be the point of Stephen SLEEPING after dying? Shouldn’t he be in Heaven? If people died and went straight to Heaven (after the Cross) what would be the point of a 70AD resurrection in Revelation 20 if everybody was in Heaven already? The grave would have already emptied out ? This is NOT soul sleep according to some critics. This is the same pre-conditioned state of the saint prior to the Cross. It is just extended to 70 AD instead of 30AD.

The next issue is the physical resurrection of Matthew 27:52-54. When Christ died, a SELECT few (believed to be the First Fruits of the 144,000-the remnant), not ALL were raised back to life. There was no mention of Abraham, Moses, Elijah, King David, Daniel, and John the Baptist roaming around in Jerusalem. Again, if it was, it would contradict Daniel 12:13. Everyone goes to Heaven on the last day of the Old Covenant Age (70AD).  We see this with the Temple’s destruction in Revelation 18:11. After the destruction of the Temple (Compare to Hebrews 9:8), the Great Multitude appear in Heaven (Revelation 19).

Daniel 12:13 13 “As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.”

Acts 7:60 60 And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 13 But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. 14 For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. 15 For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.

V12-16: Jesus mentions this judgment in Luke 23:27-30. It is originally quoted from Hosea 10:8, Isaiah 2:19, 21.See also Malachi 3:2, Isaiah 10:19, Isaiah 13:1, Isaiah 34:3-5, Ezekiel 32:7-8, Jeremiah 4:14, 23-24. This judgment pertains to Israel/Jerusalem. It is not world-wide. When you compare Verse 14 and Revelation 16:20, it further supports the recapitulation theory. Below is a timeline to get an idea how these judgments fit together.


·        Seal 1-4: October 66AD to March 67AD-70AD- The Four Roman Client Rulers released their Roman Legion army under the authority of the Roman Empire. The Four Rulers are Gaius of Samosata, Herod Agrippa II, Malichus II of Arabia, and Sohaemus of Emesa.

·        Seal 5: August 70AD-The Martyrs in Hades (later become Great Multitude) cry out for God to send Jesus as the Avenger of Blood.

·        Seal 6: August 70AD to September 70 AD- The 2nd Temple is destroyed/Jews hiding in caves.

·        Seal 7: Moment of Silence-Death of a Nation. Day of Atonement completed in Heaven. Justice is satisfied for the Martyred saints. Seven Trumpets are introduced.


 Revelation 7

V1: After describing the six seal judgments on Jerusalem, the vision focuses on what happened to the Diaspora (144,000) during these terrible events. It turns out God has preserved them in a place of safety in Pella-they left to Pella when Gallus was defeated by the Jews. We also see this shift back to the 144,000 in Revelation 11:1-2 and 14:1-5. This pattern also applies to the dead saints (Great Multitude) in Revelation 7:9-17, 11:11-12, and 14:3.The purpose is to emphasize the safety/rest of God’s Elect. This event is fulfilled in Matthew 24:31 and Mark 13:27. These Four Winds are the spiritual agents of judgment that God protected the 144,000 from. In physical form (because spiritual entities have physical realities associated with them), these Four Winds are the 4 auxiliary Roman armies donated by the Four Roman Client Kings listed in Revelation 6. These are the following armies that were unleashed on the Jews: 5 (Legio V Macedonica), 10 (Legio X Fretensis), 12 (Legio XII Fulminata), 15 (Legio XV Apollinaris). Titus’ army made their way to Jerusalem. See Revelation 9:5-6 (winds being held back) 9:14, 18 (winds attack). The four angels are holding back the Four Winds under the authority of the Chief Angel of the Rising Sun/East.

V2-4: An angel tells the 4 spiritual horsemen (angels) to restrain their troops (winds) until the 144,000 Elect have been safely sealed-confirming their salvation 2 Peter 1:10. The armies cannot harm Jerusalem as long as the Elect are still in the vicinity. The angel coordinates the Four Winds to hold back judgment. This is NOT The Restrainer from 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7. Although the Angel is “from the Rising Sun or the East” just like the Kings “from the Rising Sun or the East” in Revelation 16:12. Compare Revelation 16:12’s translation with the Berean Literal Bible, American Standard Version, Douay-Rheims Bible, English Revised Version, World English Bible, Young's Literal Translation, and Literal Standard Version. Now compare Revelation 7:2’s translations: English Standard Version, Berean Literal Bible, New American Standard Bible, NASB 1995, NASB 1977, Amplified Bible, American Standard Version, Aramaic Bible in Plain English, Aramaic Bible in Plain English, English Revised Version, New Heart English Bible, Literal Standard Version, World English Bible, and Young's Literal Translation. I believe The Restrainer is King Agrippa II. He was King until the Jewish rebellion occurred, which resulted in Titus being promoted as General. Once promoted, he started to plan his attack against the Jews. See 1 Samuel 9:17 ESV for similar usage.

V5-8: The 144,000 Elect is enlisted in army fashion. This is similar to Number 1:18-46. It is difficult to say if this list consists of men exclusively or men, women, and children. Nevertheless, these are the First Fruits of the Dispersion/Diaspora. See Zechariah 14:20-21; Acts 4:32; James 1:1, 1:18; 1 Peter 1:1; 2 Thessalonians 2:13; and 1 Corinthians 15:23. The Tribe of Dan is missing. Also, the Ephraim and Manasseh Tribes consists of a unified Joseph Tribe. We see a similar principle described in Ezekiel 48:30-35 where we see Joseph as a unified Tribe. However, we see the Tribe of Dan present in Ezekiel. Different names emphasize different symbology. This may be a symbolic way to say that the Spiritual/New Covenant Israel is idol-free/serpent-free. The New Covenant is under a higher standard of Holiness. As early as the Book of Acts, we start to see the Lord create a new, multi-national covenant people now completed.  This is in fulfillment of Romans 9:6-8, 27-29, 11:7-36.

V9-14: This is the first introduction of the Martyred saints (Revelation 6:9-11) entering Heaven. Apostate Jerusalem is about to meet its destruction and the New Covenant is about to be inaugurated as the City of Jerusalem burns down. The meaning to wash their robes with blood comes from the OT ceremonial practices. See Numbers 8:7,8:21; Exodus 19:10; Genesis 35:2; Leviticus 15:5 In the OT, the priests used water to purify themselves. Now, in the NT, the priests use the Blood of the Lamb to purify themselves.

V15-17: The Martyrs are serving God in his Temple-which is no Temple-it is his indwelling presence tabernacling over their being ( Revelation 21:22). The Lord will be their shepherd (Psalm 23, Ezekiel 34), satisfy all their needs, protect them from the sun like the days of the wilderness (See Exodus 13:21, Isaiah 49:10, Psalm 121:5-6). This is the same phrasing from Revelation 21:3-4 because the 7th seal is God’s declaration of victory over Apostate Jerusalem/Spiritual Babylon. This is Feast of the Booths imagery. See Zechariah 14:16-21.


Revelation 8

V1: The moment of silence was the Day of Atonement ceremony. When Jesus ascended to Heaven and entered the Spiritual Temple in 70AD, he was established as the New Covenant High Priest by putting His blood on the mercy seat (Hebrews 9:11-12,24-28; Ezekiel 44:1-3, 46:1-3; Revelation 11:19; Leviticus 9:22-24). Heaven needed to be cleansed, purified, and atoned for due to Satan pursuing Christ in Heaven after the ascension. See Revelation 12 and Leviticus 16. A similar event can be found in Luke 1:10. This is when the Martyrs were praying silently (in the outer courts of the Heavenly Temple) for Christ’s acceptance (as the perfect, High Priest and sacrifice). Simultaneously, atonement was being made for the New Covenant saints while judgment was being made for Apostate Jerusalem When the smoke of incense exited the Temple, this would have signal to the people that God did not strike their High Priest down, and their sacrifice was accepted for the whole House of Jerusalem-New Covenant saints. God hears His people’s prayers. Apostate Jerusalem will be sacrificed on the altar of God’s justice (Amos 9:1). This is the same altar from Ezekiel 43:13-27. None of the Elect were able to go to Heaven before 70AD. As the High Priest of Heaven, Christ needed to cleanse out Apostate Jerusalem (sending fire and judgment) in order to give His blessing of the New Covenant to His Elect. At the crucifixion, the Church was set apart and later maritally-engaged on Pentecost -receiving limited benefits as a fiancé. It was not until 70AD, Christ finally married His bride, the Church-receiving full benefits as a wife. Interestingly, the Spring Feasts were completed at Christ’s death, which resulted in the pouring of the Holy Spirit during Pentecost. Later on, the Fall Feasts were fulfilled while the 2nd Temple was still standing. The Feast of Trumpets were fulfilled during the 7 Trumpets Judgment in Revelation (the 2nd Temple walls falling down mirrored the walls of Jericho falling down), and the Day of Atonement was fulfilled in 70AD-the destruction of Jerusalem (this mirrored when Joshua defeated the Canaanites). The Feast of Booths will be celebrated post-70AD (this mirrored when the Hebrews entered the Promise Land after the wars). See Zechariah 14:16-21.

V2-5: This is borrowed imagery from Ezekiel 9:1-11 and 10:1-22 about 7 angels preparing for judgment. The saints’ prayers are being answered. The angels are tossing fire down unto the city of Jerusalem. This is symbolizing the burning of the city. This is the ending of the seven seals judgment. The seventh seal opens up the seven trumpets introducing the reader to another alternative viewpoint of the war. Verses 1-5 is a summary of the results of the seven trumpets. Compare this passage to Revelation 11:19 for support. This may be connected to Revelation 13’s event of the fire coming down. The Heavenly Temple’s fire goes down to the altar in Jerusalem. Because fire is sent down to Heaven, the deceived Jews think God approves of their idolatrous worship. This is not to think that Revelation 13’s altar incident was a one and done situation. We need to be careful not to have a strict, wooden literalism when examining these events.

V6-7: In this passage, I believe we are seeing the beginning of the war from the viewpoint of Cestius Gallus. Trumpet 1 starts in September 66 AD (Feast of Trumpets), General Cestius Gallus plunders and burns the villages of Galilee and Northern Judea, then heads towards Jerusalem to stop the Jewish Rebellion (See Daniel 12:11). The 144,000 Diaspora begin their long trek to Pella in fulfillment of Matthew 24:15-16, Mark 13:14, and Luke 21:20.

 V8-12: It is believed that the 2nd Trumpet is the events of the Battle of Beth Horon. Cestius and his troops attempted to fight off a Jewish ambush as they were heading towards the Mediterranean coast. Ultimately, the Romans were defeated at this point. Alternatively, it can be Halley’s Comet/Star, which foreshadowed the fall of Jerusalem similar to Ancient Babylon. It was suspended in the air for one entire year and now was within visible view (from January 66AD-67AD). It is possible that the major bodies of water were contaminated due to fragments of the comet (wormwood).  Symbolically, Jesus pointed to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and said that this mountain will be tossed into the sea (See Matthew 17:20, 21:21; Mark 11:23). This imagery is also applied to Babylon in 70 AD (See Jeremiah 9:15, 23:15, 51:13-14,25-26,33,39,49,52-53,57-58,63-64). Logically, we can come to the conclusion that Apostate Jerusalem is Spiritual Babylon-the Whore. Another possibility is a volcanic eruption that caused magma toxicity in the water.

The 3rd Trumpet can possibly be the blood spilled at Beth Horn. It is supernaturally making its way to the local areas or Nero's visit to Greece during the construction of the Corinth Canal. It has been documented by Dio Cassius that blood was found in all the springs, which would have inevitably led to the pollution of Jerusalem's aquifers. Other explanations can be a comet’s/volcano’s properties polluted all major and minor aquifers of Jerusalem and surrounding cities.

For verse 12, the 4th Trumpet, we see the defeat of General Gallus. The fire/smoke from the nearby burning towns and villages made it difficult to see the light: sun, moon, and stars.  A figurative interpretation would consist of the Sun representing political/primary rulers (Rome-Gallus), the moon representing religious/secondary leaders (Israel-Herod Agrippa II), and the stars representing Gallus’ Roman army/citizens (this imagery is from Genesis 37:1-11). For verse 13, we see that the Jews took the Roman Standard (An eagle statue-the Aquila) from Gallus’ army. This represented a symbolic cry of the delayed judgment that awaited Jerusalem. An eagle represented imagery of an invading army as well (see Deuteronomy 28:49 and Hosea 8:1).

Revelation 9

V1: The Satan falls from Heaven between 66-67AD after losing the legal proceedings (Ephesians 2:2, 6:12; John 12:31, 14:30, 16:10-11, Colossians 2:15). Traditionally, it has been taught by the Church that Satan fell from Heaven in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. This is incorrect. Those passages were describing earthly kings, not Satan’s origin. It doesn’t make sense for Satan to fall from Heaven and then still have access to Heaven in the Book of Job. If Satan fell before 66 AD, what were the restrictions? We see this same event occurring in Daniel 12:2 and Revelation 12:4, 9.

V2: Satan opens the bottomless pit. This is a parallel passage to Zechariah 5:5-11. It is unknown if this pit is located in Jerusalem or in the 2nd Temple. Nevertheless, it is a cesspool of spiritual evil that makes its way to the Temple (See Revelation 18:1-2, Luke 11:24-26, Matthew 12:43-45).

V3-5: This is imagery from Joel 1:4, 2:1-11; Psalm 91:13; Luke 10:19, and Mark 16:18. The five months mentioned here is during October 66AD to March 67AD. Nero sends out General Vespasian to end the Jewish Rebellion. The Satan releases his demonic influences in order to torture the Jews. The spiritual representation of the locust consisted of anxiety, restlessness, and torment upon all the citizens of Jerusalem.  The physical representation was the actual news of the Roman soldiers. The news about the Roman armies caused the Jews to turn against each other. God’s Elect (the 144,000) made their way to Pella. See also Revelation 7:1-8, 9:5-6 (winds being held back) 9:14, 18(winds attack). Matthew 24:31 and Mark 13:27 are fulfilled.

 V6-9:  The Apostate Jews were engaging in suicidal/ delusional thoughts and irrational behaviors. This consisted of cannibalism, pica, and other mental illnesses in anticipation of the Roman army. The crowns of gold represented Roman authority. The human face represented human wisdom and strategy. The woman’s hair represented youth, vitality, endurance, and strength. This physically represented the plume of their helmet. The lion’s teeth represented a crazy appetite to devour enemies. The breastplates of iron represented being unstoppable and impenetrable. The noise of the wings was the sound of chariots and troops marching into the city.

V10-11: These scorpions only can hurt, not kill yet. The Romans have not arrived, yet the news of them arriving was torture to the Jews. The King of the locusts was the demon Abaddon, who possessed all the major players of the Roman Empire: Nero, Vespasian, and Titus. The Destroyer brings back Passover-like imagery. Now Apostate Jerusalem the firstborn son will be slaughtered while the 144,000 make their exodus.

V12: Trumpet 5 is complete. Two trumpets were left till God’s wrath was complete.

V13-19: These are the Four Horsemen-releasing their legion of soldiers mentioned from Revelation 6 above. Compare verse 15 to Matthew 24:36/Mark 13:32. The armor of the Romans resembled a chimera type apparel similar to the Beast in Revelation 13:1-2. In addition, the horses had their own armor as well. This armor resembled a lion’s face. The colors came either from the armor itself or its origin from the Abyss-the color of fire that will engulf Jerusalem. The Romans shot fire brands in order to burn the city down. The River Euphrates is symbolic of the Medes-Persians attacking Ancient Babylon in the Book of Daniel. The Romans were identified as the new Destroyer while Apostate Jerusalem identified as Spiritual Babylon.

V20-21: Despite the Roman armies killing a majority of Apostate Jews, they continued to rebel. This "rest" of the Jews died later in Revelation 19:21.

Revelation 10

V1-6: This is a parallel from Daniel 12:7. It is believed that this Angel is Gabriel (Revelation 1:1, 5:2, 14:6, 18:1, 18:21, 22:6-8). Daniel 10:6 describes Gabriel this way. Read also Daniel 8-12 for further evidence. Also, when Moses entered the Lord’s presence in Mt. Sinai, his face was glowing. Similarly, this Angel was near God’s throneroom. Therefore, it makes sense that his face would be wrapped in a cloud with a rainbow over his head. Here we see a series of 7 more judgments called the “Seven Thunders.” Interestingly, we do not see the Seven Thunders ever released in Revelation. The Seven Thunders were part of the original covenant curses issued to Jews. We can find this in the Book of Leviticus: 26:18, 21, 23-24; 27-28, Deuteronomy 28:59-60. Israel is ready for judgment. There is no need for any more opportunities of mercy. Their hearts are hardened by their rebellion against God. There are no more delays. Speculatively, the Seven Thunders could have been indirectly expressed during the events of Revelation 20:7-15-Bar Kokhba Revolt. 

V7: The Kingdom of God will be possessed by the saints. They are the FirstFruits of the New Covenant. The Mystery of God is the “two becoming one” like in marriage. The Gentiles and the Jews will be one in the Church of Christ. See Colossians 1:25-27,Colossians 2:1-3, Colossians 4:3, Ephesians 1:9, Ephesians 3:2-6, Ephesians 5:32, Ephesians 6:19, 1 Timothy 3:16, Matthew 13:11,1 Corinthians 4:1, 1 Corinthians 15:50-53, Romans 11:25, Romans 16:25-26, Ephesians 3:9, 2 Thessalonians 2:7.

 V8-11: We see imagery from Ezekiel 2:9-10, Ezekiel 3:1-3, Zechariah 5:1-4, and Jeremiah 15:16 about the scroll. This scroll is different from the Big Scroll in Revelation 5. The Big Scroll is called the Biblion in the Greek. It is the entire History of God’s redemptive work with His covenant people. Here the Greek word is Biblaridion, which means Small Scroll. This is the Book of Revelation being added to the entire Bible. John has been entrusted to share this message of deliverance/ judgment to Apostate Jerusalem and the Nations. Interestingly, John was sent to Patmos possibly to starve to death (a forced fast in a sense-God's word-manna- fed him) on the Day of the Lord with trumpets sounding (Revelation 1:10). This was common imagery for the Day of Atonement and Jubilee (Leviticus 25:8-10).

 Revelation 11

V1-2: This vision goes back to the 144,000 saints getting sealed during the Feast of Trumpets in 66AD (journey to Pella), paralleling  Revelation 7:1-8, Ezekiel 40:44-47, 44:10-31, and Hebrews 9:1-10. John measured the inner court of the Temple. The outer court (Solomon’s Portico) was left out for judgment. Interestingly, the scroll in Zechariah 5:1-3 of the Covenant Curses is the same size as the outer court area of Solomon’s porch. This would suggest that the outer parts of the Temple are given over to the curse of judgment (see Luke 21:24; Romans 11:25). In Ezekiel 40-48, the disobedient Levites were given responsibility over the Temple while the Zadok priests had responsibility of the altar. Having access to the altar represented close fellowship. This is not an exact parallel, but in principle it is similar. Those who were measured are God’s Elect-The 144,000 Jewish/Israelite Dispersion. They are protected from the Romans. In contrast, Apostate Jerusalem, who are represented by those who are outside- the altar area's inner court- was trampled by the Romans from 66AD-70AD.


Zechariah 5:1-3 1 Again I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, a flying scroll! 2 And he said to me, “What do you see?” I answered, “I see a flying scroll. Its length is twenty cubits, and its width ten cubits.” 3 Then he said to me, “This is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole land. For everyone who steals shall be cleaned out according to what is on one side, and everyone who swears falsely shall be cleaned out according to what is on the other side.

1 Kings 6:2-3 2 The house that King Solomon built for the Lord was sixty cubits long, twenty cubits wide, and thirty cubits high. 3 The vestibule in front of the nave of the house was twenty cubits long, equal to the width of the house, and ten cubits deep in front of the house.

 V3-4: While the 144,000 were gone, the Gospel was still preached during this time. This is a controversial passage. However, I take a figurative approach. It is the Faithful Churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia's Testimony (consisting of the Word of God and the Testimony of Christ) See Revelation 1:2, 9; 6:9; 11:7; 12:11, 17; 14:12; 20:4 for support. It is the spirit of prophecy-Revelation 2:1, 7, 11, 17, 29; 3:1, 3:6, 3:13-14, 3:22; 19:10. We also see this based on Zechariah 4’s interpretation where we see two olive trees and ONE lampstand. The double portion of the Holy Spirit is supplying strength to Zerubbabel (through the Word of God) in order to aid in the rebuilding of the 2nd Temple. In contrast, there are TWO lampstands in Revelation. The double portion of the Holy Spirit is supplying strength to these churches (the Word of God and Christ’s testimony). Other notable examples in scripture include the lampstands in Leviticus 24:1-4,  being a Lamp to the Nations (Psalm 119:105, 130) and David solely being referred to as the “Lamp of Israel” (2 Samuel 21:17). Another reason to consider that the Two Witnesses are metaphorical is that it parallels with the False Prophet in Revelation 13. See chart below for connections.

V5-6:  There is Elijah and Moses imagery used to describe the 7 fold judgment (seals, trumpets, bowls) plagues on Apostate Jerusalem. Elijah was known for bringing a drought/famine on Israel (1 Kings 17:1) and Moses was known for turning water into blood in Egypt (Exodus 7:14-25). The churches' message consisted of both repentance and judgment upon Jerusalem. Anyone that attacked the Gentile Church were sentenced to destruction on Judgment Day.

V7-8: Here we see the light of the 7 Gentile Churches  (specifically the Two Faithful Churches: Smyrna and Philadelphia) snuffed out by the Jewish Zealots (Revelation 2:9, 3:9). The Beast of the Sea has a dual nature- 7 Roman Emperors and 10 Jewish Zealots.  After Nero there was no Christian persecution, but based on Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 we can come to the conclusion that the Zealots made war on the saints.

Alternatively, the combined efforts of  persecution from the Jews/Zealots, Nero, and the false teachers from 64AD-68AD hurt the momentum of the Church. Foxe’s Book of Martyrs states that the Christian persecutions began from 67AD-68AD. Regardless on your view, these events occurred sometime between the 66-70AD period. At that time, all hope appeared to be lost for the Church. First, most of the Apostles were killed including Peter and Paul. Rumors most likely started to circulate that even John was dead until they received his letter from Patmos. Second, the 144,000 believers left to Pella to escape death or died from starvation according to the ones who have doubted. And lastly, the 7 Gentile Churches were fighting against the cancerous effects of false teaching and social pressures. The principle of Leviticus 24:1-4 demonstrates that when the Church gets beaten their light continues to burn brightly in the darkness. Their blood is the pure oil that keeps the light burning to the nations-Jeremiah 11:16. Jerusalem identifies as Sodom and Egypt. We see examples of this in Judges 19:1-30; Deuteronomy 29:23-25; 32:28-32; Isaiah 1:10; Ezekiel 16:44-58 and as Egypt in Deuteronomy 28:60. Apostate Jerusalem is now considered a “Gentile” nation in a spiritual manner. The figurative bodies represent the rejection of the Truth (Word of God and Christ’s Testimony). It has been tossed into the streets. It is a dead hope in Jerusalem. See Isaiah 59:14; Daniel 8:12; Proverbs 1:20-21, 8:1; Jeremiah 7:28, 9:21.

 V9-10: The people mentioned here are those who came from various countries to celebrate the Passover in Jerusalem. They will see the disgraceful defeat of the Church. Apostate Jerusalem will celebrate their “deliverance” from the judgment of the Church. This imagery is Purim, which is borrowed from Esther 9:22. 

V11:  The Apostate Jews viewed the 7 Gentile Churches as an Old Covenant “false teacher” preaching a failed judgment. To them, the Roman armies didn’t defeat Apostate Jerusalem. In fact, the defeat of Cestius Gallus and establishment of the Judean Provisional Government made them feel unstoppable. Even Titus went back to Rome after Nero's death. It was a great victory for the Jewish nation. The metaphorical three in an half days shows the unity between Christ and His followers. This is the fulfillment of Hosea 6:2 and Ezekiel 37:1-14. After the Apostate Jews short-lived celebration, the Roman armies began to set up siege around the city. What the Jews failed to realize was that the Christian's greatest victory was found in their death. Christ has provided a way out of Sheol/Hades. The Apostate Jews didn’t have this living hope. The dead message of the Church has come alive. Here is the fulfillment. At this point, the dead saints (The Great Multitude) were released to Heaven. 

NOTE: The last trumpet from 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 comes to mind. After the 6th trumpet, the saints go up to Heaven (Rev 11:11-12) then at the end of the 7th trumpet (Rev 11:15-19) they receive their rewards, which include their glorified bodies.

V12: The dead saints received entrance to Heaven. We can even say this was a Spiritual Rapture out of Sheol/Hades. This was borrowed imagery from Acts 1:9. It reverses the imagery of the apostles looking at Christ going up. Instead, it has the enemies of Christ looking up at the dead Martyrs going up to Heaven. This is the fulfillment of  1 Corinthians 15:50-58. The dead saints now await their resurrected bodies and awards. 

V13-14: Imagery from Amos 5:3, Isaiah 6:13, and 1 Kings 19:18 is used. It is difficult to say if this was a literal earthquake or Roman Troops approaching Jerusalem. Either way, it resulted in a large death toll of the Jews. The population is larger because of the visiting pilgrims for Passover. The 7,000 is reverse imagery from 1 Kings 19:18. In this context, there is no faithful remnant left behind. All have bowed the knee to Baal (Matthew 21:43). “The Rest” are the surrounding nations. Second Woe is the Fifth Trumpet.

V15-16: Imagery from Daniel 2:44-45, 4:26, 7:27; Obadiah 1:21; Zechariah 14:9 are fulfilled here. Jesus has been appointed ruler of New Covenant Jerusalem. The Satan has been dethroned (See Matthew 4; Luke 4).

V17: Noticed the phrase “Christ begun to reign” (mediatorial reign-1 Corinthians 15:25) this cannot be the far future. This is a 1st Century fulfillment.

V18:  This is the fulfillment of Psalm 2 and Revelation 19:20-21. In 70 AD, The Beast and the False Prophet are the ONLY ones in the Lake of Fire. The Beast and False Prophet are spiritual entities. Everyone else is human. They get slain by the sword.  The (dead) saints receive their reward(s) - They are listed throughout Revelation.

V19: Heaven is now accessible to all the saints. The dead saints have been officially released from Sheol/Hades (Revelation 11:11; 7:9-17). Notice, now, that the dead saints have access to Heaven. The reason the Ark of the Covenant is shown in this passage is to see how Christ fulfilled the Day of Atonement sacrifice in 70AD. The intermediary angels placed his blood from the Cross onto the mercy seat in the Holy of Holies in Heaven-God's throne (Ezekiel 40-48). Also see Leviticus 16:1-34, Ezekiel 46:1-18, and Hebrews 9:11-12, 24-28. The angels do this for Christ because he has sat down on his throne.



·        Trumpet 1: In April / May 66 AD, Gessius Florus antagonized the Jews by plundering their Temple treasures. This event sparks a siege during September 66 AD, which caused Cestius Gallus to go out to plunder/burn Jewish towns/villages all throughout Galilee and the Northern parts of Judea. The Diaspora makes their long trek to Pella.

·        Trumpet 2: September 66AD- Cestius and his troops fight off a Jewish ambush as they head to the Mediterranean coast. The Romans are defeated. This event is known as the Battle of Beth Horon.

Alternate explanation: Halley’s Comet, volcano eruption and magma toxicity affecting the sea and oceans.

·        Trumpet 3: 66AD- The blood from the events of Beth Horn supernaturally made its way into the local areas. Also, in Greece, Nero witnessed all the springs of water consisting of blood during construction of the Corinth Canal. It is possible that the blood could have easily tainted the aquifers in Jerusalem. Other possibilities: a comet’s/volcano’s properties polluting all the major and minor aquifers of Jerusalem.

Alternate explanation: The comet’s/volcano’s properties polluted all major and minor aquifers of Jerusalem and the surrounding cities.


·        Trumpet 4: Late 66AD- Cestius Gallus’ army is defeated along with many Roman-ally casualties. The Aquila statue is stolen by the Jews. This event foreshadowed the exile of King Agrippa II and other Jewish-Roman ally leaders. The fire/smoke from the nearby burning towns and villages made it difficult to see the light of the sun, moon, and stars.


·        Trumpet 5: October 66AD to March 67AD- After losing the legal proceedings, The Satan is evicted from Heaven. He then releases a demonic horde to torture the Jews. Abaddon is the demon who possesses the entire Roman Empire (Nero, Vespasian, and Titus). Nero sends Vespasian and Titus to end the Jewish Rebellion.  The news about the Roman army resulted in fear, betrayal, and civil unrest.


·        Trumpet 6: March 67AD-July 70AD – Titus and his four legion army makes their way to destroy Jerusalem. (The Seven Seals are introduced). 


·        Trumpet 7: August 70AD/September 70 AD- The Roman’s siege successfully conquers Jerusalem. The Kingdom of God has been inaugurated after the destruction of the city and the 2nd Temple.


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