14 Reasons that No One went Heaven until After 70AD: An Argument against the Traditional Church View of the Resurrection

14 Reasons that No One went Heaven until After 70AD : An Argument against the Traditional Church View of the Resurrection Did Jesus and the dead saints (who were in Sheol/Hades) ascended to Heaven together in 30AD? No, there is not one passage in the Bible that says that. The closest passage we see is in Revelation 20:1-6. In 30 AD, there was a resuscitation of dead saints from Sheol/Hades, but there is no indication they went to Heaven afterwards. Skeptics claim that the following passages below are support for the saints going to Heaven in 30AD (at least after Christ’s ascension). However, a closer look would indicate otherwise. My theory is that the dead saints ascended to Heaven in 70 AD, and not at the cross or the ascension of Christ, which is popularly taught in the Church today. · Misinterpretation #1- Zechariah 9:9-12: Jesus’ First Coming · Zechariah 9:9-12 English Standar...