Matthew 5 and Divorce: Grounds for Abuse

Matthew 5 and Divorce: Grounds for Abuse Divorce is one of the most controversial issues in the Church today. In the Bible, there is a handful of passages that talk about marriage and divorce-more in the New than in the Old Testament. Unfortunately, the Church has done a poor job in the areas of abuse. Most Christians believe that there are ONLY two permissible reasons :Physical Adultery and Physical Abandonment. Simply because it is explicit. In one of the infamous divorce passages in Matthew 5, if you noticed VERY CAREFULLY, Jesus talks about Lust BEFORE and OATHS after the topic of divorce. If we interpret Lust and Oaths figuratively, then TO BE CONSISTENT you need to interpret the divorce passage figuratively as well. Otherwise, you would need to chop off your limbs and LITERALLY never make an oath, which would be a difficult if not possible venture. We all make oaths for marriage, court proceedings, work, loans, extracurricular activity memb...