
Showing posts from December, 2024

The Customs of Moses Changed by the Antichrist

                                    The Customs of Moses Changed by the Antichrist I n Acts 6:14, Jesus was accused as the End Times Antichrist from Daniel 7:25 who would CHANGE the laws of Moses. See the close connection between the destruction of the Temple and the changing of the law/customs. It's not a coincidence. The Jews were threatened by the Temple's destruction (John 2). The End of what? The End of the World ? No, the End of the Old Covenant System in 70AD. It is the End of the 1st Century Jewish World. The Restrainer was ALREADY holding back the Antichrist NOW. Notice the pronouns: YOU HAVE HEARD, WE KNOW. Paul and John were talking to the 1st century audience respectively. It would be insane to believe in a 2,000+ year old Restrainer and Antichrist. This was fulfilled in 70 AD by Titus Vespasian who destroyed the 2nd Temple, which officially ended the Old Covenant System. Titus Vespasia...

The Inconsistent Usage of Oikoumene within the New Testament

                              The Inconsistent Usage of Oikoumene  within the New Testament The dishonesty of Bible translators. All of these verses use the Greek word Oikoumene, which is commonly used for the Roman citizens/inhabitants. It's local language. The Chinese were never under the authority of the Roman Empire. Therefore, they were not part of the census. See my capitalizations below. Luke 2:1 New International Version 1 In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the ENTIRE ROMAN WORLD. Acts 11:28 New International Version 28 One of them, named Agabus, stood up and through the Spirit predicted that a severe famine would spread over THE ENTIRE ROMAN WORLD. (This happened during the reign of Claudius.) Acts 17:31 New International Version 31 For he has set a day when he will judge the WORLD with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to ...

The Tetrad Model of Deliverers:70AD and Beyond

                                                      The Tetrad Model of Deliverers:70AD and Beyond Adam Problem: Primeval Chaos. Nations outside of Garden did not know Yahweh. No Covenant Life/no access to Tree of Life Deliverer(s): Adam and Eve (foreign bride from his side) Source of Life: Tree of Life The Blessings to the Nations: Havilah, Asshur, Nod, and Cush. NOTE: If Adam and Eve didn't sin, this would have been the case. ***************************************************************** Noah Problem: Regional Flood. Nations outside of Vineyard did not know Yahweh. No Covenant Life/no access to the New Wine Deliverer(s): Noah and his wife Naamah (foreign bride from outer nations). Three sons and their wives. Source of Life: New Wine for rest. The Blessings to the Nations: The Nations not involved in regional flood come for the New Wine. **********...

John 10:33: A Look at God's Representatives (Shaliach)

                              John 10:33: A Look at God's Representatives (Shaliach) John 10:33 English Standard Version 33 The Jews answered him, “It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God.”   NOTE: First, do not base your view on John 10:30, which is easily dismissed by John 17:21, 1 Corinthians 3:8. Also, the Greek is written in all capitals, so you have Trinitarian scholars reading their own bias into the text already. They just choose which letter "G" they want to capitalize, so they can promote their agenda.   The definite article is missing here. In Greek, whenever this happens, you use "a" God. For example, Greek is a lot different than how we know English, for the Greeks there is no distinction of being light to the world and as a light to the world. To really understand it, we need to read the context. In other passa...