The New Heavens and Earth: A Fulfillment of the New Covenant, NOT about Heaven.
The New Heavens and Earth: A Fulfillment of the New Covenant, NOT about Heaven.
When we hear about the “New Heavens and New Earth” in Scripture, it's easy to associate it with the idea of Heaven as an eternal, otherworldly paradise. However, this biblical vision is not primarily about a distant Heaven, but rather a profound fulfillment of the New Covenant established through Christ. The New Heavens and Earth symbolize the culmination of God's promise to restore and redeem all of creation, where His people, in perfect unity with Him, live in the fullness of His Kingdom. It's a restoration not just of the physical world, but of the relationship between God and His people, as foretold through the New Covenant. In this post, we will explore how the New Heavens and Earth point to the realization of this covenant, transforming the world into a place where God’s presence fully reigns.
Reasons why the New Heavens and Earth is NOT about Heaven
1. There is no more crying, yet Physical Death still exists in the New Heavens and Earth-Isaiah 65:19-25.
NOTE: How can someone die and not cry especially if you have a glorified body in Heaven per 1 Corinthians 15:35-58? Therefore, this is not about Heaven or a utopia without death.
2. The Nations bring earthly tribute to God the Father and Jesus-Isaiah 2:2-3, Isaiah 18:7, Isaiah 60:6, Psalm 72:10-11, Zephaniah 3:10, Zechariah 14:16-21, Revelation 21:24
NOTE: If New Jerusalem is Heaven, how can outside Nations bring earthly wealth to Heaven? If you remember the Book of 1 and 2 Kings, some of the Kings functioned under a Suzerain Vassal Treaty. In 70AD, after the destruction of the Old Covenant Temple, Jesus became the vassal king of God the Father. The New Jerusalem coming down from Heaven in Revelation 21 is really the 144,000 saints in Revelation 14. After the 70AD war, they came down from the mountains of Pella (now glorified in the Holy Spirit) to build up the ruins of Jerusalem. Now, Nations come to the saints to know Jesus and be blessed. See Zechariah 8:23.
3. Fruit(s) from a tree that brings healing-Revelation 22:2, Ezekiel 47:12
NOTE: If taken literally, why would we need a healing tree if we have our glorified bodies in Heaven? The Tree of Life is a figurative description of Jesus' work on the cross. It is the food that never perishes in John 6:27. Today, many cultures come to Church unified in Jesus Christ. They bring their finances and treasured possessions to their local church.
4. The Outsiders of New Jerusalem in Revelation 21-22
NOTE: These individuals are NOT in Hades/Sheol/Lake of fire as many pastors claim. They are outside the New Jerusalem, who I established as the glorified 144,000 saints earlier.Remember Gog and Magog (who I believe is Simon Bar Kokhba's army) try to attack the city back in Revelation 20:7-10, so this can't be Heaven. Remember the original manuscripts of the Bible don't have chapter breaks and headings.
5. Edenic Imagery is commonly used in the Old Testament-Ezekiel 28:12-19, 31:8-1, 36:35
NOTE: Again, the New Heavens and Earth is not meant to be taken in a literal manner. Edenic imagery was used for Tyre, Assyria, Egypt, and Israel to describe their adornment, beauty, high status, and fruitfulness.
6. No sea, light, or moon needed anymore-Revelation 21:1, 23
NOTE: This is not meant to be taken literal. The sea mentioned here is the accessibility of God the Father and Jesus. Revelation 21:1 is referencing Isaiah 11:15-16, Isaiah 51:10-11, and Zechariah 10:10-11. A non-related example is Revelation 16:12. The river gets dried up, so the army can come and attack. Regarding the sun and moon, we look at Isaiah 30:25-26 and Isaiah 60:19-20. It's basically saying that God's presence will be greater and more accessible than lights of the sun and moon.
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