Jesus and Uriah

Jesus and Uriah

Here are some similarities between Jesus and Uriah:

  • Uriah means God is Light and Jesus is the Sun (Son) of Righteousness
  • Uriah/Jesus was betrayed by his friend (David/Judas) and his wife (Bathsheba/followers/Jews)
  • Uriah was faithful to his wife like Christ was faithful to his followers/Church
  • Uriah/Jesus was innocently-set up by political forces and conspiracy that resulted in their death
  • Jesus died to cover the Elects' sins. Uriah died in a way to cover-up David's sin (in order for the secret not to be revealed). He died in David’s place to pay for the consequences of sin (for adultery and murder, which resulted in the death penalty in the Old Testament-no animal sacrifice was accepted to make up for these sins). Uriah and the unknown baby from the adulterous relationship died for both David and Bathsheba as innocent substitutes for their sin.
  • Uriah/ Jesus were the only people (in their respective stories.)to die by doing the right thing.
  • Uriah carried a message of Death into battle, just like Christ carried a message of Death unto the cross (the spiritual battle). The difference is that Christ's message of death became a message of life in the end.
  • Uriah carried a Letter that instructed his death. Jesus carried the (Letter of the Law-Law of God) that "instructed" his death as a guilty sinner.


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