Questions for Pretribulation Christians

Questions for Pretribulation Christians

What is the role/function of faith if believers can see Christ physically during the Earthly Millennium Kingdom? What is the role/function of prayer? What is the role/ function of the Holy Spirit since His purpose was to compensate for Christ's absence( John 16:7)?

How are we attacked by Gog and Magog (Russia) and Israel is randomly called "A People of Unwalled Villages"? Israel is called unwalled villages in Zechariah 2:4 and Esther 9:19. Zechariah and Esther were in the past, so why is Israel being referred to a past name 2,000 years plus ago?

It is presumed that the Antichrist commits blasphemy in the 3rd Temple at the 3.5 mark of the 7 years, but we go back to the problem in Ezekiel 38:11 where Israel is described as "A People of Unwalled Villages". They cannot be called "unwalled" since there is clearly a literal Temple with walls (Ezekiel 40-48)?

In Ezekiel 38, Chief Prince is translated in Hebrew as Rosh. If Chief Prince (Rosh) means Russia in Ezekiel 38, why does it not mean Russia where the same Hebrew word is used in Gen 28:12, Exo 6:14, Lev 3:2, Eze 17:22, Eze 27:30, and Eze 33:4? Why are we not consistent here?

According to Ezekiel 38:17, The Russia vs. Israel fight was spoken by the prophets of Israel in previous books in the Old Testament. Where at exactly? What would be the purpose of telling Israel that an event into the far future (going on 2,000 plus years) was going to happen to them? They wouldn't live to see it or confirm it. It would be irrelevant to them.

Where does Ezekiel 38-39 talks about Russia wanting to take oil from Israel? It doesn't. It talks about spoil (gold, silver, and livestock) not about oil. Pastors read that into the text.

In Ezekiel 39:21-24, why would Russia's defeat by God trigger Gentile nations to remember Israel's captivity 2,000 plus years ago? Why the captivity specifically? It would make sense if this was a past fulfillment since the captivity was relatively fresh to the nations' minds.

Where in Ezekiel 40-48, are Jews commanded to build a 3rd Temple? The only instructions are to : "Make known, measure the pattern, and mark well with your eyes and ears". There is not one commandment to build this structure. Therefore, the 3rd Temple being built is an act of disobedience, not obedience to the Lord.

In Ezekiel 38-39, why is Russia using wooden weapons in the future? Why did switch from a literal to a figurative interpretation? On what grounds is this switch justified?

In Ezekiel 39:29, "why is pour out my Spirit" mentioned in the far future with Russia and Israel? This is phrase is associated with Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17 during the Pentecost, which is a near future for believers? Why suddenly the Holy Spirit gets a reintroduction 2,000 years later unless Ezekiel was confirming Joel's prophecy?

If the 144,000 is a remnant of Christian Jews, how do you harmonize it with Romans 11:26? What about the rest of Jews during the 7 year Tribulation?

How does Old Testament memorial sacrifices (Dispensation-interpretation of Ezekiel 40-48) in the Millennial Kingdom supersede the value and worth of Christ's Holy Communion of the Bread/Wine ? Why are going back to types and shadows( Col 2:17)?

In Ezekiel 40-48, the words remembrance, testimony, and memorial are not present. Pastors have to read it into the text. However, the words are found in the previous chapters of Ezekiel, but they don't provide any support to justify memorial sacrifices. What's even more problematic is that the word "atonement" is clearly emphasized in Ezekiel 40-48. How do you harmonize this?

In pre-trib, there are multiple acts of judgment, multiple "Second" comings, multiple resurrections. At the same time, these multiple events are clashing with other verses in the Bible.

How can we call it Christ's "Second Coming" if Christ comes back before the Great Tribulation, comes back again after the Great Tribulation to ring in the New Millennium Kingdom, and then finally come back again for the Final Judgment and then The recreation of the New Heavens and Earth?

How do you explain the dynamics of sin during the Earthly Millennium? What is Christ's role in discipline of sin? Does profanity carry the same weight as murder? What is the role of grace?

In Isaiah 11:6-8 and 65:25, it talks about animals not hurting or being destroyed during the Millennial Kingdom. How can you have memorial sacrifices if you cannot "hurt" or "destroy" animals?

Since the inhabitants consist of Tribulation saints with regular sinful bodies and resurrected saints with glorified bodies? Can fleshy bodies with the ability to sin can taint the glorified saints? What are the dynamics of sin in this new world? Is the new millennium more restored than fallen or both 50/50? If everyone is saved, what is the purpose of the Great Commission during the Millennial Kingdom?

Scripture uses only two ages to describe events of now and eternity: This Age and the Age to Come: In which Age does the Earthly Millennium Kingdom fit in?

What is the purpose of Tribulation Saints living longer, marrying, and having children, but the glorified saints cannot marry, have sexual relations, and produce children? I thought we are all in one in Christ. Ephesians 4:4-6, 2 Corinthians 1:20, and Ezekiel 37:22-24.

In Daniel 9:20-27, why is the Hebrew Word Gabar used in addition to the context of a covenant ( Karat or Berith). The Church narrative teaches that.... the Antichrist makes a peace treaty for seven years and on the 3.5 mark of the treaty, the Antichrist betrays Israel which leads to the "Abomination of Desolation". If the Antichrist betrays Israel that means he will BREAK the COVENANT, but the HEBREW word is GABAR which means prevailing/unbreakable. That doesn't fit the context. The only covenant that is unbreakable is the covenant that Jesus made with his redeemed. How can you break an unbreakable covenant? Check Blue Letter Bible to see this for yourself.

If the Tribulation is a literal seven years, how do you harmonize the seven years of weapon burning with Ezekiel 39:9? At one point are these weapons being burned during the chaos of the Great Tribulation? Burning weapons and collecting the spoil is an Old Testament picture of victory over God's enemies. This puts into question the End Times Timeline.
This would be problematic BEFORE the 3.5 mark of the 7 years and a problem AFTER the 7 years because now it bleeds over into the 1,000 years of peace time during Christ's earthly reign. This is a time of full restoration/peace/ and godly worship, not spending time cleaning up enemy corpses. Based on the large number of memorial sacrifices, it would be impossible to prepare the large number of memorial sacrifices while cleaning up enemy corpses simultaneously.

In Zechariah 14, if taken literally, Christ comes back to split the Mount of Olives follow by a literal earthquake. This is problematic because the earthquake would destroy the 3rd Temple since this is the same location where it is suppose to be built (between Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal). How would they find the time to fix the Temple up during the Great 7 year Tribulation or during the Earthly Millennium Kingdom since they will be sacrificing numerous animals?

Why is the Fig Tree is Israel in Matthew 24 and not in Matthew 21? How do you harmonize this inconsistency?

Why is the Church called to overcome in Revelation, but then is raptured before facing that which they are called to overcome…the antichrists and false prophets?Why get a warning of the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast ? If we are raptured before the 7 year Tribulation, why are people worried about the Mark of the beast? That's a Tribulation Saints' problem. The Church is raptured in Revelation 3 and the Church is not mentioned until Revelation 22. The Antichrist, Mark of the Beast, and Pretribulationist will never see each other, so why be warned about them in the first place?

Why is the Millennium Kingdom talked so much about in the Old Testament yet only have one passage dedicated in the New Testament (Revelation 20)?

Why is the Holy Spirit claimed to be the restrainer? There is no indication that this is the Holy Spirit. It literally doesn't say that. It is speculated. No scriptural backing. It's just a random picking and choosing to fit the narrative of the antichrist.

In Revelation 3:10-11, says that the Church of Philadelphia will not experience the hour of trial. Why would God promise the Church of Philadelphia this and not make it happen in their lifetime? Why would it apply to believers 2,000 plus years into the future? What relief and comfort would that give to them? They were being harassed by Jews/Romans at this time, so this promise had to be fulfilled during this time-frame to mean something to them.

In 2 Thessalonians 2:6, Why does the Church claim that the restrainer is the Holy Spirit? It literally doesn't say that. It is speculated. There is scriptural backing for this. It's just a picking and choosing.

The Tribulation Saints make God appear sloppy. He takes his whole church and reserved the 7 year tribulation for the reprobates, but then puts new saints to suffer along with the reprobates. So what was the point of being raptured, if saints were going to be suffering and evangelizing anyway during the 7 year Tribulation?

How do you harmonize the concept of the Tribulation Saints with Ephesians 1:4 and Philippians 1:6? Wouldn't they be raptured in the first place? If God chose them from the beginning of the world, how did they get un-chosen? Did the Tribulation saints got saved through a different mode of salvation that is better than the atoning blood of Jesus? At that point, anyone born should be a non-believer. Why would God promise to save his elect and allow them to be born during the 7 year Tribulation? This violates John 6:39 and Revelation 3:10-11.


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