AD 70-Day of Atonement (DOA) Themes in Revelation

                                      AD 70-Day of Atonement (DOA) Themes in Revelation

 If Ezekiel 40-48 sounds like a confusing mess, read 1 Kings 5-8 (Solomon’s Temple Inauguration), 2 Chronicles 29 (Hezekiah’s Temple Inauguration). Then read Ezekiel 40-48. It is Jesus’ Heavenly Temple Inauguration. The Heavenly Temple is purified and then brought to Earth in Rev 21. Although it is not a literal Temple on Earth (Rev 21:22), the symbol is manifested as unrestricted, access to God.

Rev 1: Jesus as High Priest in the HOLY PLACE/Rev 5 Jesus as a Slain Lamb in the HOLY OF HOLIES OF HEAVEN. Rev1:10-God’s voice like a Trumpet.

Rev 2-3: Covenant Curse-like imagery applied to the 7 Gentile Churches

Rev 4: 24 Priest Elders with harps, Cherubim and Seraphim in the HOLY OF HOLIES OF HEAVEN.

Rev 5: A nation of priests singing a new worship song

Rev 6-7: White robes washed in the Blood of Christ

Rev 8: Silence in Heaven (compare to Lk 1:10, Ezk 46:3), Angel with golden censer, altar, and carrying other priestly functions.

Rev 11: Ark of the Covenant needing the blood of Christ on the mercy seat in the HOLY OF HOLIES OF HEAVEN.

Rev 12: Christ purifying the Heavens and Heavenly Temple of Satan and his angels in accordance to Lev 16, Heb 9:22-28- before he performs the DOA ritual.

Rev 15: The Glory of God in the Heavenly Temple (compare Ezk 43:4, 44:2-4)

Rev 19: Jesus robe dipped in blood. High Priest Warrior King imagery.

Rev 20: Satan and his allies were“ Azazel’ed” out to Hades and ultimately in the Lake of Fire. In Zech 14:5, we see a name variant of Azazel (Azal) applied to the Diaspora.
Bonus: John was placed in Patmos to starve to death (fasting is linked to the DOA).


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