God's Favorite Numbers are 70 and 77

                                              God's Favorite Numbers are 70 and 77

70 nations represented the Ancient World (The Table of Nations-Genesis 10)

During the Feast of Booths, 70 bulls were sacrificed for intercession (Numbers 29:12-34)

Moses selected 70 elders to go up to Sinai (Exodus 24:9-12)

70 elders defiled themselves in idolatry soon to be brought to judgment (Ezekiel 8:11-12).

70x 7s brings atonement/forgiveness/Justice to sin (Genesis 4:24; Daniel 9; Matthew 18:22).

The Jews spent 70 years in Babylon (Jeremiah 25:9-13)

70 people from the House of Jacob went to Egypt and grew exponentially (Genesis 46:27)

Scholars claim that Jesus' star stayed for 70 days at His birth

In the Book of Job 40-42, according to Warren Wiersbe, God asked 77 questions.

Jesus is number 77 in Luke's Genealogy (Luke 3)

Jehu brought Ahab's 70 sons to judgment (2 Kings 10:1-7)

Jesus sent out 70 disciples to witness to give the good news to all of the ancient world. (Luke 10:1-23).

Lastly, one of the most ignored past events in the church today, 70AD when the Old Covenant Temple system was destroyed. The fulfillment of the Book of Revelation. Scholars believe it was completely destroyed and plundered by September 7th 70AD. September is Latin for Seven. It was originally the seventh month on the Roman Calendar. 777.


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