
Showing posts from June, 2024

Genesis 11 Revisited Notes

                                                   Genesis 11 Revisited Notes This chapter opens up pertaining to the division that occured during the birth of Peleg. Verse 1 is not saying that the whole Noahic race shared the same linguistic language; the entire planet was never monolingual . For simplicity's sake, Genesis 10 uses the Hebrew word "lashon" for a linguistic language while Genesis 11 uses "sapah" to describe the mode of how speech is expressed. For a scholarly review, see Chris Gousmett- The confusion of language in the interpretation of Genesis 11.  What we see here is the division caused by a shared agreement. This wicked remnant (Sons of Joktan) broke away from the righteous group of Shem and settled in Babel. They started to gather bricks (associated with idolatry) and bitumen (waterproof the building structure) in order to build a zi...

Genesis 10 Revisited Notes

                                                    Genesis 10 Revisited Notes  This chapter opens up with Noah and his three sons. After the flood, his three sons have children of their own. Traditionalists make the claim that the events of Genesis 11 precede the events of Genesis 10. There is no hermeneutical basis to suggest such a claim. In fact, the Hebrew words of a linguistic language and speech are used very differently in both chapters. Verse 2 focuses on the Genealogy of Japheth. This is not an exhaustive list of all the countries of the entire planet Earth. Traditionalists impose their own view by saying that the three sons of Noah brought forth all the different ethnicities of the planet. A deeper look would suggest otherwise. Realistically, not enough time could have passed by for this to be considered a possibility. The Table of Nations omi...

Genesis 9 Revisited Notes

  Genesis 9 Revisited Notes The dominion mandate is mentioned again.  This is a confirmation of the Edenic/Adamic covenant, which suggests both meat, vegetables, and fruits were part of that ancient people's diet. The new exception is that the blood of the animals should not be digested. Noah is declared judge over the new creation for all crimes including murder. The same covenant is mentioned from Genesis 6:18. This is not a different covenant. This applies only to the animals in the ark. The Messianic Line will never be destroyed alongside the Line of the Serpent. This is not first appearing of a rainbow. This is God giving it a covenantal purpose. He is hanging his war bow up (Psalm 7:12,21:12,64:7). The next section acknowledges how Noah's sons are the new seeds of covenant humanity, not humanity in general. They are a New Heavens/New Earth Order. Noah becomes the first covenant man to bring rest/comfort (making wine) to the his family and Land after its curse. It was imp...

Genesis 8 Revisited Notes

  Genesis 8 Revisited Notes Similar to Genesis 1's creation account, we see God's spirit or breath blown upon the chaotic waters. The flood rains have stopped 150 days later. The ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. In Hebrew, the word “curse” is the word arar. In Genesis 3, this word is used by God when He curses the serpent, saying, “Cursed are you...” Notice, the first three letters of Ararat (ארר) are the same three letters that spell arar, “curse” (ארר). By simply adding the letter tet (ט) at the end of the word, we come to spell Ararat, as in Mount Ararat. The ark resting on Ararat symbolized Christ stepping on the head of the serpent. Even the letter tet looks like a snake. See picture below. After  the forty days, Noah sends out a raven-unclean animal and then a dove-clean animal. The raven flew back and forth, but didn't return. The dove came back to the ark because the floodwaters still covered the land. The dove is sent out again. This time it comes back ...

Genesis 7 Revisited Notes

  Genesis 7 Revisited Notes This chapter starts with Noah declared righteous before his crooked generation. A slight modification to the two of every animal rule is made with 7 pairs of clean animals, unclean animals, and birds. Noah received seven days to prepare for the heavy rains, which would lead to 40 days and 40 nights. As commanded, Noah brings his 7 family members and all the types of animals on the ark. Noah's ark served as a symbolic act to the unbelieving Sethites and Cainites. The animals go into the ark in an orderly, civil fashion while Covenant mankind acts more wild and beast-like. Other symbolic acts in scripture include, but not limited to is Ezekiel laying on his side, Isaiah walking in his outer garment, and Jeremiah's fleece of wool.  In verse 16, notice that it wasn't Noah who shut the door of the ark. It was God who shut the door from the inside. The flood continues for 150 days.

Genesis 6 Revisited Notes

                                                    Genesis 6 Revisited Notes This chapter focuses on the Pre-Adamic people (Daughters of Men-Non-Covenant Mankind) expanding throughout the region-Havilah, Cush, Eden, Nod, and Assyria. The Sons of God are the Sethites based on the alternate translation of Genesis 4:26. Like Adam and Eve, the Sethites lusted after the forbidden fruit- The attractive Pre-Adamic women.  It appears this was sinful because there was little to no consultation between Adam, Eve, and God in the arrangement of the marital union. See Judges 14:3, Genesis 24:3, 24:40, 26:35, 27:46, 28:9, 36:2; Judges 21:23. This forbidden intermarriage resulted in the Spirit of God to not contend or wrestle with Covenant Mankind forever. God proclaimed that judgment will occur in 120 years. The Nephilim is Adam and Eve. Nephilim means Fallen Ones ev...

Genesis 5 Revisited Notes

                                                     Genesis 5 Revisited Notes This genealogy discusses the origins of Adam and Eve- Covenant Mankind-The Sethite Patriarchs who are inheritors of the double portion. It doesn't prove they were made on the 6th day as traditionalists try to justify here. Seth was made in the image of Adam. Sin has marred the image of God. 1 Corinthians 15. In the next few passages, we see a pattern of life and death. This does not confirm that physical death was brought forth because of The Fall. Otherwise, that would give Satan more credibility than God since Adam and Eve did not physically die that very day. A similar historical record can be found with the Sumerian Kings. According to these records, these kings ruled 10,000 years or more during their lifetime. Likewise, this is why we see Adam live up to 930 years. These ...

Genesis 4 Revisited Notes

                                                       Genesis 4 Revisited Notes  Adam and Eve have their first child, Cain. Compare Eve's prideful response with Hannah (1 Samuel 1:27) and Mary (Luke 1:26-38). It's difficult to say if Cain and Abel were twins or born relatively soon apart from each other.  Cain's name meant "Possessor of the inheritance" while Abel's name meant breath/temporary/fleeting life. They represented the Earth/Land and Heavens/Sky respectively.  Abel was a shepherd and Cain was a farmer. " In the course of time", can be translated as the end of the harvest. This most likely was a Thanksgiving offering due to a good return on their family's harvest. Cain brings a low quality fruit offering-Malachi 1:6-9. It is bad quality. He chooses not to work harder or holds back in order to provide a better quality offerin...

Genesis 3 Revisited Notes

                                                          Genesis 3 Revisited Notes  The Satan (accuser/opposer) is introduced into the story. It is an evil spirit from the wilderness  who test the hearts of covenant mankind. The Satan has infiltrated the garden (Intruder imagery). Because the snake has a reputation in the Levant region as a creature of wisdom (inverted King Solomon imagery), it made sense for The Satan to possess it. It would blend in with the rest of the animals. In Hebrew, the serpent can be alternately translated as shining one. For me, it can be rendered as the enlightened one. See Revelation 2:24, Deuteronomy 18:1-18. God gave dominion to Adam, the Covenant King of the Land as a gift. Romans 11:29. The Satan was envious of Covenant Mankind and wanted the inheritance without submitting to God. He wanted the po...

Genesis 2 Revisited Notes

                                                     Genesis 2 Revisited Notes The seventh day consisted of God finishing the act of direct creation. His rest is not from exhaustion, but of completion and the establishment of His rulership. Notice, that Day 7 doesn't mention the morning and evening phrase. This doesn't mean there wasn't a literal end of the day. This is a figurative way of saying that God's rest never ends. This concept of rest is fully developed in Hebrews 4. In Genesis 2:4, we have the famous Toledot, this is where people traditionally say that Genesis 1's Day 6 is being unpacked in a more detailed manner. This is incorrect. Toledots are never used to explain a previous event, only subsequent events. Therefore, Adam the covenant man is born into God's 7th day rest-the unofficial 8th day. The Covenant name Yahweh is used to indicate a ...

Genesis 1 Revisited Notes

                                                Genesis 1 Revisited Notes According to Hebrew scholars, Genesis 1:1 should be translated as "When God began to create the Heavens and the Earth." See N ew Revised Standard Version Updated Edition and CEB. This is not the absolute beginning of the universe, galaxies, and other planets as many believe. They existed prior to these events of Genesis 1. No one can be completely sure how did chaos came to be. For me, I think this chaos was the destruction of the dinosaurs and God bringing forth human beings. During the time of the dinosaurs, I believe God was preparing the Earth with minerals and other resources (limestone, coal and oil deposits) for the later existence and thriving of mankind. Genesis 1 focuses on the establishment of the Levant/Mesopotamia-Havilah region....

"Before the Foundation of this World"- A Look at Katabole Kosmou

                                                                 "Before the Foundation of this World"- A Look at Katabole Kosmou There are two words for foundation in the Bible: Katabole and Themelios. I will be focusing on Katabole. The phrase "Before the foundation of this world" in Greek is Katabole Kosmou. It has nothing to do with Predestination. Katabole has been translated to throw down or lay something down with force. This Greek word is commonly paired with Kosmos - the inhabitants of an organized society. By combining both words Katabole Kosmou, we can conclude with confidence that it can mean "a morally deteriorating society." The closest words I can find in scripture is "Rebellious House" in Ezekiel 12:2. Ezekiel 12:2 English Standard Version 2 “Son of man, you dwell...