
Showing posts from September, 2022

The Translation of Enoch. (Revision at the End)

  The Translation of Enoch One of the most mysterious characters in the Bible is Enoch. Little is written about him. There are exactly three passages in reference to his unique character: Genesis 5:21-24, Hebrews 11:5, and Jude 1:14. Many have proposed that Enoch was raptured into Heaven, avoiding the Flood Judgment, and most of all death itself. Something Christ himself couldn’t do. This is problematic when comparing Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus in John 3:13 (see also Proverbs 30:4, Deuteronomy 30:12 and Romans 10:7). Christ stated that He is the ONLY one who has descended and ascended into Heaven, not Enoch. Contrary to popular opinion, I believe that Enoch was either transported, martyred (specifically by Lamech) or died in his sleep. Below, I will provide various proofs for support. **************************************************************************** The Phrases “They Are No More”;“Never See Death”; “To Be Taken” Matthew 2:16-18 (Jeremiah 31:15) English Stan...