The Preterist Connection of Revelation 19 & Revelation 20 imagery: Bar Kochba Revolt
The Preterist Connection of Revelation 19 & Revelation 20 imagery: Bar Kochba Revolt REVELATION 19 THEMES · Jesus as the Greater Joshua going to war with Apostate Jerusalem/Spiritual Canaanites to claim the New Jerusalem / Promise Land. Compare the Old Covenant Israel’s Land Allotment with New Covenant Israel’s Land Allotment. See Joshua 13-21; Ezekiel 45,47,48. Jesus as the Greater Solomon (resurrected/ascended Christ imagery). Solomon the Man of Peace is a “resurrected” King David who starts off his new Kingdom by killing off his enemies and exiling one of them: Adonijah killed ( 1 Kings 2:25), Joab killed (1 Kings 2:34), Shimei killed(1 Kings 2:46), Abiathar exiled (1 Kings 2:26-27). Likewise, Christ tosses the Beast and False Prophet into the Lake of Fire and then exiles Satan into the Abyss. Also, Satan is used as scapegoat imagery/Azazel. ...