Isaiah 14 is not about Satan: An Examination of a Faulty Interpretation by Tradition Part 1
Isaiah 14 is not about Satan: An Examination of a Faulty Interpretation by Tradition Part 1 The traditional interpretation states that Satan was in Heaven and because of his pride wanted to surpass the Lord God. This resulted in him getting excommunicated from Heaven. However, the text in Isaiah 14 says that he wished to ascend into Heaven, which means that he was not there originally. Why desire to ascend Heaven if you are there already. This is not consistent with the traditional interpretation of Isaiah 14. Instead, we are seeing the Pride and Fall of the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. It is being described in a figurative manner. By using a parallel table and allowing scripture to interpret scripture we can see support for a human king. Not a spiritual being. Isaiah 14 Daniel 4 Isaiah 14:12 12 “How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! Daniel 4:10-14 10 The vi...