Revelation Timeline-Postmillennialism Perspective
Revelation Timeline-Postmillennialism Perspective
· Seal 1-4: October 66AD to March 67AD-70AD- The Four Roman Client Rulers released their Roman Legion
army under the authority of Roman Empire. The Four Rulers are Gaius of
Samosata, Herod Agrippa II, Malichus II of Arabia, and Sohaemus of Emesa.
· Seal 5: August 70AD-The martyrs in Hades cry out for God to send Jesus as the Avenger of Blood.
· Seal 6: August 70AD/September 70 AD- The 2nd Temple is destroyed/Jews hiding in caves.
· Seal 7: Moment of Silence-Death of a Nation.
Justice is satisfied for the martyr saints. Seven Trumpets are introduced.
· Trumpet 1: In April / May 66 AD, Gessius
Florus antagonized the Jews by plundering their Temple treasures. This sparked
a siege during September 66 AD, which caused Cestius Gallus to go out plunder/burn
Jewish towns/villages all throughout Galilee and the Northern parts of Judea. The
Jewish Christians/Diaspora makes their long trek to Pella.
· Trumpet 2: September 66AD- Cestius and his troops
fight off a Jewish ambush as they head to the Mediterranean coast. The Romans
are defeated. This event is known as the Battle of Beth Horon.
Alternate explanation: Halley’s Comet, volcano
eruption and magma toxicity affecting the sea and oceans.
· Trumpet 3: 66AD- In
Greece, Nero witnessed all the springs of water consisting of blood during
construction of the Corinth Canal. It is possible that the blood could have
easily tainted the aquifers in Jerusalem. Other possibilities are a
comet’s/volcano’s properties polluting all the major and minor aquifers of
Alternate explanation: The comet’s/volcano’s
properties polluted all major and minor aquifers of Jerusalem and the
surrounding cities.
· Trumpet 4: Late 66AD- Cestius Gallus’ army is
defeated along with many Roman-ally casualties. The Aquila statue is stolen by
the Jews. This event foreshadowed the exile of King Agrippa II and other
Israel-Roman ally leaders. The fire/smoke from the nearby burning towns and
villages made it difficult to see the light sun, moon, and stars.
· Trumpet 5: October 66AD to March 67AD- Satan
is evicted from Heaven and releases a demonic horde to torture the Jews. Abaddon
is the demon who possesses the entire Roman Empire (Nero, Vespasian, and Titus).
Nero sends Vespasian and Titus to end the Jewish Rebellion. The news about the Roman army coming down to
kill them resulted in fear and betrayal.
· Trumpet 6: March 67AD-July 70AD – Titus and his four legion
army makes their way to destroy Jerusalem. (The Seven Seals are introduced).
· Trumpet 7: August 70AD/September 70 AD- The
Roman’s siege successfully conquers Jerusalem. The Kingdom of God is declared
since Apostate Israel and the Second Temple are destroyed.
· Bowl 1: 66 AD-The unsanitary conditions of
unburied corpses during the war with Cestius Gallus. Not exclusive to this
Alternate explanation: The supernatural onset
of painful sores/ulcers/burns/boils through wounds represented spiritual
· Bowl 2: Spring 67 AD-Vespasian’s army
massacres the Jews at the Sea of Galilee and Joppa.
· Bowl 3: Spring 67 AD-The dead bodies from the
Galilee and Joppa massacres significantly pollute the major and minor aquifers
of Jerusalem and all surrounding cities. This
included the Taricheae and Jordan River.
· Bowl 4: Late 67AD/Early 68 AD-The Romans
destroyed Yodfat , Gamala, Gadara, Gischala, and other Jewish inhabited
Alternate Explanation: Since the trees were
burned down already, it was easy for the sun’s heat and east wind to scorch the
skin of the people.
· Bowl 5: June 68 AD-Emperor Nero’s death-The
Year of the Four Emperors-Roman civil war.
· Bowl 6: December 69 AD-July 69AD-Titus arrived
in Jerusalem. The Siege of Jerusalem begins.
· Bowl 7: August/September 70 AD- The Romans
used catapults to breach the walls of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is destroyed.
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