The Curse of Cain and Its Connection to the Nephilim: The Offspring of the Tribes of Seth and Cain
The Curse of Cain and Its
Connection to the Nephilim: The Offspring of the Tribes of Seth and Cain
*In a prior
post, I discussed how the Nephilim are not the Sons of God as angelic beings.*
In this current post, I will discuss how the
Nephilim are the offspring of the Sethites and Cainites. In addition, I will
provide an explanation on the “Mark of Cain” as well as how the Nephilim
survived the flood.
Genesis 6:1-4 English Standard Version 6 When man
began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were
attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. 3 Then the Lord said,
“My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be
120 years.” 4 The Nephilim were on
the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came
in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the
mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. 5 The Lord saw that the
wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the
thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
The name Sons of God and Daughters of Man (Adam) is
the creative order. Adam is a direct descendant and Son of God. The Messiah was
prophesied to be a male. Eve is a direct descendant of Adam. In the Hebrew,
Adam is translated as man. Therefore, this is a picture of humanity. This has
nothing to do with angelic beings. In Matthew 24:38, Jesus mentions nothing
about supernatural marriages, so the natural way to read this text would be to
view this as regular human marriages. Notice in Genesis 4:1, Eve was amazed
that she had a son Cain and then Abel. This suggests that they conceived a line
of daughters before the birth of Cain. Since Cain appeared to be the first
male, the family believed he was the prophetic fulfillment of the Messiah in
Genesis 3:15. Because of this pressure, it is easy to understand why he would
feel jealous of Abel. Due to God’s approval of Abel’s sacrifice, it is likely
that the children of Adam started to question Cain’s Messianic status. Perhaps
Abel was viewed as the true Messiah after this event.
Potentially Happened After Abel’s Death?
Eve was most likely in despair and may have feared
losing another child. Therefore, stress could have prolonged the conception of
Seth, Adam and Eve took a break from child bearing because they were both negatively
impacted by the death of Abel, they had more daughters after Abel/ before Seth,
or other sons and daughters were born and it was already established by the
family that Cain was the Messiah. It makes sense to see that other sons and
daughters were born after Abel’s birth, Cain being viewed as the Messiah, Abel
then dies, more daughters are exclusively born after Abel’s death, or Adam and
Eve take a break from child bearing/ experience difficulty in conceiving, and
then finally Seth is born as the new Messianic figure.
Mark and Curse of Cain
After killing Abel, Cain was afraid that Adam, Eve,
and their children (either all women or a mixture of men and women) would kill
him as an earlier version of the “Eye for an Eye”/ “Avenger of Blood” law. Cain
is then cursed by God, no longer able to produce anything from the ground and
be a restless wanderer. It is best to view the “Curse of Cain” as that whatever
he produced would ultimately result in long-term unfavorable results/outcomes,
and he would never feel at peace. The problem is if one interprets this as a
curse on Cain’s farming skills, then Cain could have easily bypass it by
switching professions. Out of God’s mercy, he placed a mark on Cain, so that
Adam, Eve, and their children would not execute him.
In Genesis 4:17, Cain gets married to one of his
sisters and builds a new civilization together. After receiving the Mark, it is
possible that Cain persuaded his fellow brothers and sisters (giving them an inaccurate story to sway them onto his
side), especially since he has been viewed as the Messianic figure for so long.
This may have resulted in Adam’s household in shambles (possibly most of the
men and women left Adam’s household) , which makes Seth’s birth story a miracle
or even a resurrection in bringing Adam’s household in order again.
Cain becomes a New Adam/Pre-Noah of sorts. He has
swayed his brothers (possibly all of his brothers) and some of his sisters to
build his new kingdom, the City of Enoch. This might have even surprised Seth
and his tribe that despite being cursed by God, Cain was successful. He was a
pioneer and trailblazer in the latest technology. This appeared to be some type
of Renaissance for Mankind under the Leadership of Cain. Enoch meant
dedication/teacher. He was perhaps responsible for building
humanistic/educational programs for the people. Irad meant “Wild Ass” like
Ishamel in Genesis 16:12. Therefore, it is possible he was a skillful hunter
and had a very untamable personality. With the other children their names vary
with many translations such as Mehujael means “Destroyed by God,” Methushael
means “Demanding to Die”, and Lamech means “Prideful one or Low one.” Perhaps,
they functioned more as criminals and thugs in society. It is easy to take the
names with a grain of salt since they are difficult to translate.
Destruction of Marriage and the Martyrdom of Enoch
Lamech destroyed the institution of marriage by
marrying two women simultaneously. Instead of dedicating a lovely poem of love
to his wives, similar to Adam and Eve in Genesis 2:23, Lamech dedicated a
threatening, poem of warning (known as the “Song of the Sword” to his wives and
others who cross him. Lamech then justified himself as a victim. Lamech believed
that this insult deserved a greater punishment. In contrast, Abel didn’t do
anything to Cain to deserve a death sentence. If Cain got mercy, in Lamech’s
distorted mind, he deserved greater mercy from God because he was provoked into
acting out his violent tendencies. The victim appears to be Enoch from the Line of
Seth (the youngest Sethite to only live up to 395 years). In my Enoch blog, I
provided evidence that Enoch was not in fact raptured into Heaven, but martyred
by Lamech. Under this premise, Enoch functioned as a teacher (the meaning of
his name) similar to John the Baptist. In Jude 1:14, we see Enoch preaching a
message of judgment to a wicked generation. Similarly, perhaps like John the
Baptist, Enoch preached against Lamech’s illicit marital union with two
different women in Genesis 4. This led to Enoch’s death. In parallel to the
Gospels, we can see how John the Baptist’s preaching was perceived as an attack
on Herod Antipas’ illicit marriage. Herod unlawfully took his brother’s wife.
Ultimately, this resulted in John’s death. When Enoch died, we can speculate
that Enoch’s son, Methuselah (name meaning-“His Death Shall Bring Forth)”
continued on his father’s ministry similar to how Jesus continued John the
Baptist’s ministry. When Methuselah died, the Flood Judgment came shortly
after. When Jesus died, the 70AD Judgment came shortly after. About 40 years
after the crucifixion. The death of a/the Son brought judgment in both
Children and Cultural Revival in the Tribe of Cain
Lamech’s children were skilled in various fields
that contributed significantly to the Empire of Cain. Jabal was skilled in the
fields of agriculture and animal husbandry similar to Abel. Jubal was a
well-renowned musician. Tubal-cain was skilled in metallurgy. It is possible
that Tubal-cain provided the musical instruments to his brother, Jubal and the
weapon/sword that killed Enoch to Lamech. Lamech’s daughter, Naamah does not
have a skill listed in scripture. According to tradition, she was a singer and
the wife of Noah. There is a possible parallel that may support Naamah as
Noah’s wife. Noah’s name means comfort and Naamah means pleasant. In 1 Kings
14:21-31 and 2 Chronicles 12:13, King Solomon whose name means Peace, married
an unknown foreign woman, named Naamah (pleasant). Solomon and Noah are
perceived as Christ figures in their respective stories of redemption, so it
isn’t farfetched to think their foreign wives serve as Church-Bride figures.
Further support under consideration is that both men had rebellious sons who
made destructive choices that affected future generations. Noah’s son, Ham,
received a curse placed on his son’s people, Caanan, because he revealed the
nakedness of his father. Likewise, Solomon’s son, Rehoboam was cruel and
abusive to the people of Israel, which resulted in the Northern kingdoms
splitting from the Southern kingdoms.
of the Nephilim
Revisiting Cain’s Curse, we can see how Cain’s line
was cursed because it was born out of murder and rebellion. The Sons of God
represented those devoted to God and the Messianic Hope. See Genesis 4:26; Deuteronomy
14:1, 32:8; Hosea 1:10. In contrast, the Daughters of Man were devoted to Self
and Cultural Hope (Man/Adam being known for rebellion himself in Eden). See Genesis
4:16. One consideration is that Cain was a farmer: A man of the land. Figuratively,
the land assisted in hiding Abel’s blood. Another consideration is that Cain
went further than Adam and Eve’s homeland of Eden. This is characteristic of
“out of covenant children”: Ishmael being casted out of the land because of Isaac
and Esau/Edom (outdoor man) selling his covenant birthright to Jacob/Israel
(indoor man). When comparing Amos 9:12 with Acts15:16, we can see how Adam and
Esau/Edom are used interchangeably. Therefore, it makes sense to read the
reference of man in Genesis 6:1 as the Cainites and Daughters of Man as the
Daughters of Cain. It is the continuation of Genesis 4:17-24 because Cain was
residing in the Land of Nod. The Cainites were started to grow and expand
throughout the land (getting closer and closer to Sethite territory- Similar to
Exodus 2:7-10). This growth may mean that the population of women suddenly
increased within Cain’s people or that single women were more available because
all the men were dying at early age due to the violent culture (Similar to
Isaiah 4:1).
Simultaneously, we can see how the Line of Seth
started to covet the Line of Cain’s success (Genesis 4:17-25). Notice there is
two Enochs (Genesis 4:17, 5:18) and two Lamechs (Genesis 4:19; 5:28). We see
the line of Seth (the religious covenant side) imitating the line of Cain (the
worldly cultural side). Notice how the Sethite and Cainite names sound very
similar: Irad and Jared and Methushael and Methuselah sound similar. While
Cain’s empire started to grow more successfully, the Sethites wanted to grow
and expand just as much. The Sethites wanted access to valuable resources,
prestige, power, and even peace. This temptation led SOME Sethites to forsake
their fellow women for more attractive mates in the Line of Cain (similar to
David lusting after Bathesheba-Proverbs 2:16-17). The inter-marriage between
both people was inevitable since Lamech redefined the institution of marriage.
Because of this, polygamy was introduced to the Sethites.
This resulted in the creation of the Nephilim. It is
proposed that the negative effects of the “Curse of Cain” were compounded since
they were passed on to non-cursed recipients (Sethites). This increased the likelihood of offspring being
powerful, giant hybrid warriors: uniting religiosity and culture as one entity.
Nephilim is translated as “Fallen Ones.” It is from the Hebrew word
“naphal.” When we think of the Fall, we should think of the Curse as well. It
is not farfetched to think of the Nephilim as the “Cursed Ones.” After the
inter-marriage occurred, the Nephilim started to grow as a strong, individual kingdom.
They started to dominate and oppress both Sethites and Cainites that refused to
comply with their unity agenda. This resulted in countless acts of bloodshed
and war.
Nephilim After the Flood
After the Flood, we see the Nephilim in Numbers
13:33 as the Sons of Anak. It cannot be proven if these were the actual
Nephilim or just an exaggeration to scare people away from the Promise Land. Regardless,
the Sons of Anak were from the line
of Canaan. This makes sense when we see their presence in the post-diluvian
age, the only person to be cursed was Canaan. This was due to Ham uncovering
Noah’s nakedness. The reason Canaan was cursed (similar to Cain) is because in
scripture, a blessing cannot be reversed into a curse. So since Ham was already
blessed by Noah in the early parts of Genesis 9, it makes sense why Canaan was
cursed. Perhaps he assisted in the situation in some shape or form while Noah
was sleeping. A cursed Canaan would then marry within his own tribe. This would
include siblings (cursed recipients) and relatives (non-cursed recipients)
within Ham’s tribe. Ham’s other children (non-cursed recipients) consisted of
Cush, Egypt, and Put.
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