Jesus and the High Priest- A Tale of Two Goats

Jesus and the High Priest- A Tale of Two Goats

Here is one of the most challenging questions I have been exploring lately: If Christ's sacrifice was near or on Passover, how does it bring a complete atonement? Wasn't that the purpose of the Day of Atonement (DOA)? A Passover sacrifice was a type of peace offering, but at the same time it was a propitiation (removal of God's wrath) like how the Hebrews were "passed over" in Egypt" Just like how the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies, Christ had to enter into the Holy of Holies of Heaven to complete the ritual (Hebrews 9:8-12,24-28). He never entered one on Earth. The DOA had two goats, but was considered one sacrifice. So is it farfetched or even heretical to say that Christ brought His blood into the Holy of Holies to purify the Heavenly Temple like how the High Priest in Leviticus 16 purified the Tabernacle/Temple (Hebrews 9:21-23)? Two parts one sacrifice. This would be the expiation (the removal of sin-atonement). When the 2nd Temple fell, it was destroyed near the DOA holiday in 70AD. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that salvation came in 70AD (end of spiritual death), not in 30AD as traditionally taught. At the Cross, the 1st fruits were "passed over" in Spiritual Egypt (Rev 11:8-1st Century Jerusalem who crucified Christ-Crooked Generation).

DOA-Day of Atonement Sacrifice

High Priest


White Garments

Lev  16:23-24

Glorified Body in Heaven

Rev 1:13-16,

Acts 9:3-9

Two Goats=One Sacrifice

Lev 16:8

Two Parts=One Sacrifice-Cross & Holy of Holies in Heaven

Mt 27:45-50, Mk 15:33-41, Lk 23:44-56, John 19:17-37


Hebs 9:11-14, 9:21-28, Ezk 45:13-46:18

Ark of the Covt-Earth

Lev 16:13-15

Ark of Covt-Heaven

Rev 11:19

Purifying the Temple-Earth

Lev 16:16-19, 16:30-34,

Dan 9:24

Purifying the Temple-Heaven

Hebs 9:21-23

DOA Sacrifice-Earth

Lev 16:1-34

DOA Sacrifice-Heaven

Ezk 45:13-46:18, Hebs 9:8-12, 9:24-28, Rev 8:1-5, Rev 11:19, 15:5-8, 19:13, Daniel 9:24

Smoke Censer

Lev 16:12-13

Smoke Censer

Rev 8:1-5

Robe full of Blood

Lev 16:23-24

Robe full of Blood

Rev 19:13

Restricted access due to God’s Glory

Lev 16:17

Restricted access due to God’s Glory

Ezk 44:1-5, 46:1-2,

Rev 15:5-8

One year until the next DOA Sacrifice

Lev 16:34

One generation from the Cross (30AD-70AD) until the final DOA sacrifice.

1st century Israel (those who crucified Christ) is referred to as a “Crooked Generation” like those who died in the Wilderness


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