1 Cor 15 Chart

Gray=Indirect Conclusion of the Text

White=What the Text says

Reflections based on the Chart

·         No such thing as a dead person (flesh and blood) or disembodied spirit in Heaven. A Spiritual BODY is essential for Heaven.

·         No such thing as a dead person WITH a Spiritual Body in Heaven-NOT inheriting the Kingdom of God. Inheritors are essential for Spiritual Bodies.

·         You have to have a Spiritual Body to inherit the Kingdom of God. The text leaves no wiggle room for a third category-Disembodied Spirit.

·         To say you don’t have a Spiritual Body (when you die) AND that you are waiting for the resurrection………. is to say that “Death has NOT been defeated” and you are still under the Old Covenant Law-The image of Adam.

·         You cannot separate the resurrection from the New Covenant. They are tied to together. A completed resurrection is essential. If you deny this, you are under the Old Covenant Law-The image of Adam.


·         By logical conclusion, you have to acknowledge two uncomfortable truths:


1)      The resurrection occurred in the 1st century-Christ was serious when he said SOON and returned in 70AD to inaugurate the New Covenant


2)      OR YOU are still under the Old Covenant Law-still waiting for Christ to redeem you from sin and the law (1 Cor 15:56).


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